posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 01:04 PM
Like most places, they probably looked like the people that are there now. Since 'race' doesn't exist, at least on the biological level, its
something of a none question.
Come to think of it, I am not familiar with any depictions of the people of harrapa that let us know what they looked like. They aren't thought to
have spoken sanskrit, and, if one is loose enough with the evidence, you could say that perhaps they were somewhat different than the people that are
there now. its -thought- that, if anythign, the harrapa script is 'elamo-dravidian', ie african/semetic. The modern 'dravidan' languages or
dravidian derived languages are, from what I understand, exclusively spoken in south india and ceylon. Its questionable however if one can go from
that to a physical similarity between the harrapanans and south indians. I tend to think of it that way though, however, for example, there
are blacks who speak english, and aren't 'anglos'. Or the orignal central asiatic 'Turks' probably wouldn't be recognizable as 'turks' in
modern day turkey.
Hows that for a non answer?