I've really enjoyed seeing all of your pictures and funny videos so thank you for sharing.
I hereby request membership of the CCLC. The following evidence is in support of my application:
This is Baby Lady Miss Mimi (she insists we call her that.) The only one of our cats that we chose and adopted. Very independent and not prone to
displays of affection!
Baby Lady Miss Mimi does not want to be bothered at this moment in time.
Next up is Bobby. Our neighbours (his owners) upped and left without telling anyone so he decided that he would move in with us. Perhaps the happiest
cat in the world.
Then we have Charlie. Found in a bin with his mother and siblings. The runt of the litter, his back end covered with maggots. Some neighbours adopted
him (with their 2 dogs, 5 kids and 4 cats) needless to say, he very slowly moved in with us. Charlie is special. He is scared of everyone and
everything but he's now found his place in the world.
The oldest member of the family, 18 year old Liddy. She is actually my family cat (another stray) who I took on when my parents retired. This pic was
taken just after she had her teeth removed.
Ok, nearly there - this is Juan Pablo (blame my wife for the name) aka Pabby, JP. We found Pablo after he had been hit by a car, barely able to walk.
The vet wanted £400 just to x-ray. We managed to get him down to £200 and a cat charity paid half. I sold my beloved X-Box One to pay for his
treatment. He has a strange walk and a funny bump on his spine but is all well and good. This picture was taken shortly after he came back from the
vets so he's probably chasing the dragon.
Then we have our new addition to the family. Originally named Rosie, (we thought he was a girl.) He now goes by the name Ro-Ro (ok I know, it just
happened.) He's about 9 months old but happened through our cat flap at 10 weeks old.
We lost our ginger ninja, Barry, in October but he deserves his own posts so more to come from me, if I am accepted that is!
edit on 832015 by Scallywwagg because: typo