posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 02:35 PM
I can agree with your idea that time is an oval- mostly because when I try to picture time in my mind- when I think about the past I always see a
visual that spans an amount almost 2 years...
It would be like if you saw an oval and the two opposite points would be December 2004 and December 2003... but every two years it sort of overlaps
like an oval spiral that goes up as time passes.
In high school I decided that must be how time passed and started drawing out points on the spiral along with generally what I was doing, things going
on around me and my general emotional states as well as the people around me- and every two years everything is extremely similar.
For example- next spring I am scheduled to get extremely depressed and have some major upheaval- it happens every other year (gets slightly earlier
each time) and should be around early April next time. It overlaps each time on the cycle- last time I was hospitalized, before that I ended a 5 year
relationship, before that graduated and all my friends moved, before that I switched schools- it's always at the same point in the cycle.
If you were to turn the spiral and look down from the top you can see a pattern that everything just repeats the same way. I've never fully explained
it to anyone- but I also see it in the people around me which is why I do believe there is some sort of connection going on.
I'm not sure about the spirits just being slightly trasposed though.
Originally posted by _BLiND_
My theory goes like this,
Basically instead of time being linear, or time being a circle, it's a bit of both.
Time is a very illiptical (the right word?), instead of a circle it is an oval.