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FED Employess Will Revolt or Resign ... ( at some point )

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posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 10:13 AM

Late Friday, San Diego’s Local 1613 of the National Border Patrol Council issued a press release announcing a Border Patrol Agent had contracted scabies in connection with the transfer of detained illegal unaccompanied alien children from Texas’ Rio Grande Valley.

San Diego Border Patrol Officer Contracts Scabies

“Despite following proper protocol, sometime during routine processing of the first group of 140 illegal immigrants from Texas, a Border Patrol Agent did contract scabies;

this was confirmed by a physician.”

The "Proper Protocol" ... Good Grief Charlie Brown !!!

OBSERVATION: What would YOU do as a ... Border Patrol Agent ???

OPINION: Immigration Plan ... Failing ( or about to fail ).



Doctor Speaks Out Against Feds Silencing Medical Staff on Border
( i.e. revolting ??? )


Obviously, I Support the "Health Care Workers".

edit on 6-7-2014 by FarleyWayne because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: FarleyWayne

I'm still waiting for some black ops pressure cooker to
whip out some weaponized brain-eating pathogen..
and the Zapocalypse is on, Farley!

I'm not laughing up here.. these people are getting
slipped in and shipped all over the country-- some
without hanging long enough for the incubation
of some of the goodies they could be
toting in to blossom.

This is financial AND biological warfare now. SLAM DUNK.
It has to be stopped, and the people responsible pulled.

EDIT:: F&S! It's not a thankless job this time

And I wonder how many more outbreaks aren't being
corralled.. it's just mind boggling this is being called
humanitarian by the administration and the media.

edit on 6-7-2014 by derfreebie because: The Twilight Zone just picked up a cough...

edit on 6-7-2014 by derfreebie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: derfreebie

Scabies is contagious and can be spread by scratching an infected area, thereby picking up the mites under the fingernails, or through physical contact with a scabies-infected person for a prolonged period of time.

Scabies is usually transmitted by direct skin-to-skin contact.

It can also be spread through contact with other objects, such as clothing, bedding, furniture, or surfaces with which a person infected with scabies might have come in contact.

Scabies mites can survive without a human host for 24 to 36 hours.

As with lice, scabies can be transmitted through sexual intercourse even if a latex condom is used, because it is transmitted from skin-to-skin at sites other than sex organs.


OPINION: Incubation Period and Transmission are ... VARIABLE.

( and this is ONLY about "scabies" )

edit on 6-7-2014 by FarleyWayne because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 11:15 AM
I started a thread about the people they have running the show down there. BCFS. Thread died. Basically they are private contractors for FEMA and DHS. Even if the Feds resign they have companies such as them to do their dirty work at the border. BCFS being baptist child and family services. This is their website. They were there at Katrina. They were there at Waco. They were in Haiti whom, I believe is still quietly fighting a cholera outbreak.
edit on 6-7-2014 by rustyclutch because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 11:41 AM

originally posted by: rustyclutch
I started a thread about the people they have running the show down there. BCFS. Thread died. Basically they are private contractors for FEMA and DHS. Even if the Feds resign they have companies such as them to do their dirty work at the border. BCFS being baptist child and family services. This is their website. They were there at Katrina. They were there at Waco. They were in Haiti whom, I believe is still quietly fighting a cholera outbreak.

Well, when enough FEMA and DHS people start to get these diseases and other infections they too will quit or start running off at the mouth. Sooner or later our government will not be able to make everything go away or keep it quiet. I think that the sooner that happens the better.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 11:51 AM
Scabies....they suck. Not a real bad thing to get rid of though. Just about as much a nuisance as crabs. A cop can get either of those from someone they arrest, that is probably a known hazard.

Both of those could be possibly gotten from a crowded bar where people are bumping arms and bodies. I can't see anyone quitting their job because of catching stuff like that.

Swimmers itch sucks also.
edit on 6-7-2014 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 11:54 AM
Its hard to believe that what this president is doing is in anyway legal.So now besides economic ruin we face plague?This is like a bad movie.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Scabies....they suck. Not a real bad thing to get rid of though. Just about as much a nuisance as crabs. A cop can get either of those from someone they arrest, that is probably a known hazard.

Both of those could be possibly gotten from a crowded bar where people are bumping arms and bodies. I can't see anyone quitting their job because of catching stuff like that.

Swimmers itch sucks also.

CNN Contributor:

'I Was Wrong' to Dismiss Fears of Illegals Carrying Contagious Diseases

an internal medicine specialist and the Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), said

the country is "one outbreak" away from "an overwhelming public health crisis."

edit on 6-7-2014 by FarleyWayne because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

So explain to us all why this validates importing a bunch of people from outside the country who have it?

Also, we know about the scabies. There are also plenty of things we don't know about that they could have that are just as easy to pass and not nearly as easy to get rid of or as "merely irritating" as scabies.

And it's all fun and games with the crabs until we get some that pass around some of these lovely diseases. How would you like some typhus to go with that? All we need is for some Trench fever or typhus to spread into the country and get into our homeless population and the poor hygiene conditions in some of the hotels aliens live in.

Several of the infectious diseases associated with human lice are life-threatening, including epidemic typhus, relapsing fever, and trench fever, which are caused by Rickettsia prowazekii, Borrelia recurrentis, and Bartonella quintana, respectively. Although these diseases have been known for several centuries, they remain a major public health concern in populations living in poor-hygiene conditions because of war, social disruption, severe poverty, or gaps in public health management. Poor-hygiene conditions favour a higher prevalence of body lice, which are the main vectors for these diseases. Trench fever has been reported in both developing and developed countries in populations living in poor conditions, such as homeless individuals. In contrast, outbreaks of epidemic typhus and epidemic relapsing fever have occurred in jails and refugee camps in developing countries. However, reports of a significantly high seroprevalence for epidemic typhus and epidemic relapsing fever in the homeless populations of developed countries suggest that these populations remain at high risk for outbreaks of these diseases. Additionally, experimental laboratory studies have demonstrated that the body louse can transmit other emerging or re-emerging pathogens, such as Acinetobacter baumannii and Yersinia pestis. Therefore, a strict survey of louse-borne diseases and the implementation of efficient delousing strategies in these populations should be public health priorities.

But it's been so long since we've seen these diseases in any real way that most people haven't even considered them. They think that scabies, crabs and swine flu are the worst of our worries.
edit on 6-7-2014 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: FarleyWayne

Yes, this isnt going to end well. Crowding a bunch of people into a Petri dish and then releasing them to scatter to the 4 winds is defintely going to have repercussions. Its obviously a planned breakdown of society. There are so many ways this can be used to bring us down or bring in martial law that it makes my head spin. Its getting to the point TPTB aren't even trying to be slick about things anymore. With all the drones and military assets we have, how hard can it be to secure a border? Not very. Its so obvious that all of this is being allowed to happen. The only questions are where does this road lead and how long is it going to take us to get there.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 12:26 PM

originally posted by: rustyclutch
a reply to: FarleyWayne

Yes, this isnt going to end well. Crowding a bunch of people into a Petri dish and then releasing them to scatter to the 4 winds is defintely going to have repercussions. Its obviously a planned breakdown of society. There are so many ways this can be used to bring us down or bring in martial law that it makes my head spin. Its getting to the point TPTB aren't even trying to be slick about things anymore. With all the drones and military assets we have, how hard can it be to secure a border? Not very. Its so obvious that all of this is being allowed to happen. The only questions are where does this road lead and how long is it going to take us to get there.

I know that the following video is more than a week old "Jun 24, 2014"


Notice HOW P.O.'d My Texas Governor is:

I'm standing behind him ... and "P.O.'d" with him.
( and I've never seen him get like that ... this is "serious" )


Notice the Dept of Pubic Safety Officer at the back wall ( he never speaks ) BUT look at his Sunburned-Face.

It is obvious that he wears a hat and had been in the sun for an Extended-Time !!!

OPINION: You are looking at a Hero and someone on the Front-Lines.

edit on 6-7-2014 by FarleyWayne because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: FarleyWayne

Yeah he does look like a different Rick Perry than the guy from the elections. Looks ticked off too. He should be. Everyone with eyes that can see understands whats going on. I'm sure his office gets overwhelmed with calls. If they really wanted to lock that border down they could do it in less than an hour. A bomb went off in Boston and a literal army appeared out of nowhere dragging people out of their houses. Mexican military shoots at border patrol and nothing. Cartels dig tunnels and nothing. Floods of immigrants arrive everyday and nothing. Meanwhile one of our marines who made an honest mistake is basically being held hostage. If these people are arriving here from Mexico they need to be deported back to Mexico. Mexican or not. If Mexico is allowing people to cross into their country in an attempt to cross into ours they need to be sent back to Mexico. Then maybe they will protect their other borders a little better. Americans arent beating down the door to get into Mexico...they dont have to worry about our side.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: FarleyWayne

Everyone knows that the food down in Mexico can get us sick. The people in mexico can combat these diseases or live with the microbes symbiotically, microbes that may cause illness to some of us. Now, we import food from Mexico and some of the immigrants work on farms and handle the food, immigrants that can live symbiotically with these organisms. Many people in Texas, Arizona, and lower California have also gained this ability to live symbiotically with these organisms, the microbes are not required to file for passports. They may have had this ability for a long time.

Now, antibiotic resistance does not mean that these microbes will hurt us, it only means that the disease cannot be treated with most antibiotics. Many people live symbiotically with a resistant strain of staph that exists in about forty percent of our beef from the store. Only those with a compromised immune system get sick. The FDA is well aware of this, my knowledge of this came from government research. We live with many different microbes in our guts, but they do not usually chew on us till we die or we don't feed them. When we fast, we dump chemicals to reduce their numbers, this helps us survive with them.

Ketsuko's information about the lice is interesting. I knew they could carry diseases, but was not aware of any really bad ones.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

That was the big fear with bed bugs, but apparently they're one of the few blood sucking insects that don't seem to be a major disease vector. I wish lice and scabies were the same, but most things that suck blood also carry a lot of stuff you don't want. In this case, body lice can be as dangerous as mosquitos when it comes to being disease vectors.

Thing is that most people know that mosquitos are major disease vectors because we live with them, but we haven't lived with the body lice in any real way for a long time. Everyone knows about crabs, of course, but we haven't had to think of them in the same way we think of mosquitos for too long. If we aren't careful, they'll stop being that slightly nasty joke they have been and because deadly serious once again.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: rickymouse
They're a huge pain in the butt. As a teen I had borrowed a sleeping bag and got scabies as a result. I believe crabs are easier to get rid of and basically are contained in one part of the body unless untended for a long time. You shampoo the area with a special soap and be done with it, if I'm correct. Never had them so I'm not really sure

With scabies, every day I had to get up, strip my bed and wash the linens, my pj's and the clothes from the day before which had been stored in a plastic bag and sealed until laundry time. This went on for about 10 days or so, maybe even a little longer. My family members had to stay clear of me so as not to get infected. I also had to take an antibiotic and a medicine that would kill the mite, because they burrow into the skin. It was such a pain in the butt that I never ever borrowed a sleeping bag or clothes from anyone again after that.

Of course that was over 40yrs ago and in all fairness Rickymouse, maybe they've figured out a better way to treat them now and they are as you say.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: 2manyholes
I had scabies about forty years ago, but it didn't get farther than my hand. I just needed to put some cream in a tube the doctor said to get.

It took longer for the swimmers itch to go away. Seems like my resistance to swimmers itch isn't so good.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

You must of caught them early enough and yes they are first detectable between the fingers. I had gone camping for a week and just thought I was itching from mosquito bites and when they bites didn't go away after a few days and I kept getting more that's when I got medical help.

Never had swimmers itch, if it's as bad as you say, I hope I never do.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 06:25 PM
Tea tree oil or neem oil will get rid of the little bastards. Crabs and lice, shave and hit'em with some flea and tick powder. A few tablespoons of boric acid dissolved in a cup of water will work, too.

(post by nixie_nox removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: nixie_nox

So this is a "right wing" web site?

Below are recommendations from the Center for Disease Control on preventing and controlling Transmissible Diseases. We will be contacting command staff to ensure they are aware of these recommendations.

The intervention measures reported to be efficient for the control and the prevention of common transmissible infections. Depending on the populations targeted, these interventions may include education, chest radiography screening for tuberculosis, directly observed therapy for tuberculosis treatment, improvement of personal clothing and bedding hygiene, and widespread use of ivermectin for scabies and body louse infestation. Systematic vaccination against hepatitis B virus, hepatitis A virus, influenza, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and diphtheria is strongly recommended.

Oh, and there is a laundry list of procedures they recommend their personnel take to reduce the chances of taking home anything ... you know, uninvited hitchhikers. But sure, let's just go on assuming these are all healthy kids ... Are you taking them all home with you?


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