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The Psychotics and Their Pigs [be afraid]

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posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 10:09 PM
What is a psychotic? Well, we know Ted Bundy, a famous serial killer, enjoyed killing beautiful young women in order to HAVE SEX WITH THEIR INTESTINES. Yes, dear soul, he liked to cut into the stomachs and organs of his victims in order to have have sex with their innards. What insanity is this?

We know the Canadian serial killer, Robert Pickton, enjoyed going back to where he dumped ["stacked" in psycho-lingo] multiple bodies of his prostitute victims, in order to have sex with the dead, bloated bodies of his victims even THREE MONTHS after they were murdered. Imagine the stench, and then imagine finding sexual gratification in it. Just what the suck is going on here? Well, clearly a sane mind cannot comprehend these behaviors without analysis. What follows is an analysis that has serious implications.

What Ted Bundy and Robert Pickton had in common, besides dozens of victims, is a personality disorder called...loosely..."psychotic behavior". Well, we all know what this general - that the psychotic has no remorse or girls looking for money not love, or piggish boys looking for an easy sex and dump, or like greedtards seeking wealth for greed alone. So many pseudo-psychotics in an ugly culture...sure... But that still does not answer the question! ~ why does some psychosis translate to have sex with intestines and sex with the long dead, stinking, bloated bodies of murder victims?

Well, dear souls, the question is hard to imagine, but the answer is not so difficult. The reason Ted Bundy wanted to have sex with the intestines of his victims, rather than through finding sexual fulfillment in more obvious and fulfilling methods, was a matter of "control". What excited that psychotic was that he could own a young girl that way, to that dark level, to the point where he held her dead guts in his hands, and that '"got him off"'. Likewise, Robert Pickton would return to where he dropped the dead bodies of his victims because he preferred the feeling of having sex with dead victims he had controlled [murdered], rather than having sex with a living prostitute. Control. Insanely, unimaginably, disgustingly sick control...nothing else. Psychotics lack empathy, but that is not a "need". Psychotics have a need deeper than pseudo self-gratification ~ in serious cases, there is an extremely disgusting need in the psychotic for control that can emerge in ways too perverse for the healthy mind to understand.

What "if" a psychotic will to power...the will to control...unblemished by caring, were to lead to leadership within a culture...a civilization...a country? Now we should be CLEAR here: psychotics destroy their victims easily, primarily because they catch victims unaware. Victims are ambushed, backstabbed, tricked and fooled by the psychotic's shrewd plan to fulfill unimaginably grotesque control needs. Which of you, dear souls, have craved to control, ruin and kill people? Which among you, dear souls, has truly desired to have "everything" so you could be satisfied by the death and suffering of others? Very, very few, dear souls, among you have these half-human, grotesque needs and desires. But some do. The psychotics... And so then, we have the sheep. The people... The citizens... The culture...

Now lets stay clear here: psychotics ARE insane. As a result of that mental disability, they are STUPID. Yes, STUPID. Psychotics are stupid. They do stupid things, and they do wrong things, because they are insane. They can catch victims unaware, because no sane person can imagine anyone who would want to kill them in order to have sex with their intestines. Why? Because its unimaginable. So yes, disgusting psychopaths can seem clever, manipulative, and catch victims off-guard, BUT NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE SMART. In fact, the very nature of the insane, perverse needs and strategies of psychotics GUARANTEES their actions lack function, efficiency, and intelligence. Everything they do will be a "little off", wrong, ugly, or just a miserable failure. That's one of the "other" problems with having insane needs, such as psychopaths maintains [in addition to the problem of illegally hurting others for unimaginably perverse reasons].

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 10:09 PM

Now back to politics. A psychotic in leadership, by virtue of their insanity, would likely spend countless hours [a lifetime] scheming how to control feed of their turn them to sheep. In FACT, a fabulously wealthy psychotic, with all their carnal needs met, would still crave unimaginably perverse "pleasures", such as having sex with a victim's intestines...even if they were fabulously wealthy or in complete cultural control - that is why they are insane. IN FACT, a fabulously wealthy psychopath in control of government or culture could ONLY...ONLY...ONLY feed on the control and suffering of their sheep. REPEAT. If a psychopath [or group or perverse psychopaths] were in a wealth/control situation, they would NOT behave functionally or compassionately [as most of us would], but would FEED only on the control, suffering and murder. AS IMPORTANTLY, they would do so in backstabbing, plotting, and STUPID self-fulfilling ways, because psychotics are sneaky, but STUPID by virtue of their needs-based insanity. Psychotics test-out on standardized tests as "smart", but when they act, since they are metaphorically "seeking to have sex with intestines" [control], in essence everything they do is insanely stupid and dysfunctional.

Did you ever wonder why we have so many wars? Would the people you chill with come up with all these illegal, insane wars? Did you ever notice all these insane wars are destined to FAIL as if a moron planned them? ...because the leaders who made these wars [through their self-serving think tanks and disgusting overpaid, under-functioning clone servants] are so stupid and wrong? Do you notice the strategies that control commerce, freedom, society, etc. lack function and integrity? Ask a psychopath....they are stupid...everything they do is wrong and fails...and its ALL ABOUT GETTING THEIR POWER AND CONTROL NEEDS MET no matter how sick they are or how many times they fail or do wrong! Would your friends spy on all Americans and other countries illegally? Would you get together in a think tank and decide to militarize your police and declare a never-ending imaginary war on terror to strip rights and freedoms if you wanted your children free and happy?

Why would our leaders be happy spraying the sky to counteract global warming while STILL BURNING CARBON FUELS to promote their own wealth through oil monopolies? Why would anyone destroy the earth, so their own children would suffer, just for wealth and control? Well, dear souls, unfortunately psychotics prefer sex with intestines to sex with women. IF YOU WERE PSYCHOTIC, controlling the earth and everyone on it, even through suffering, WOULD BE MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than killing the earth. In fact, if you would kill a woman BECAUSE it thrills you to have the control to hold her intestines in your hands, then YOU WOULD GET OFF ON KILLING THE EARTH and nothing else. A happy, healthy ecology, and free successful population IS NOT WHAT YOU SEEK. That's why the dead women were piled along the road by Robert Pickton. He didn't want happy women, he had more disgusting and self centered needs ~ he needed them DEAD to be fulfilled. That's why a psychotic in leadership will never save the world.

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 10:16 PM

Now if a stupid psychotic of wealth in control of a culture were to program their populace, they would want them to be sheep. Moreover, they would want them to reflect stupid and even psychotic values. A psychotic is relieved when everyone is "ugly, selfish, self aggrandizing, remorseless, compassionless, self serving and piggish". ...because that's how psychotics behave. Psychotics HATE the fact they are only half human and don't have the full range of emotion, compassion and intelligent function. If a psychotic were to control media, they would want to train [program] pigs [like themselves] and sheep [to slaughter].

If any sheep is happy to be owned and sheared for harvest by psychotics, so that once hairless they resemble their inner pig-self without values or character or substance, then culture is lost, and civilization is dead.

Everyman and woman must rise to the challenge to create beautiful culture and a safe world for our children. Anything less is sheep to pigs to murderers.
edit on 5-7-2014 by urmenimu because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 10:23 PM
happy independence day america

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 11:04 PM
a reply to: urmenimu

This is a good post. I like the way you point out how they are dysfunctional, thats the truth. Some Hollywood movies have almost glorified them, but the shrinks will tell you about key signs, things like bed wetting.

My take on it its almost a pinnochio thing, they want to be real humans but they arent. As a consequence, they spend their time obsessing on real humans. Thats what the control thing is about, they can never find a self sustained joy, it always has to be about getting something from other people. As a result they become expert manipulators. But the key thing is that they can never get what they want, the humanness they seek. They go after in in money position, even commit disgusting crimes looking for it, but they never find it.Its always that thing someone else has, so they spend their lives obsessing on other people, and things like control. But you're right, it always amounts to futility, it always fails. Because you cant attain humaness by acting inhuman.

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 11:22 PM
a reply to: tridentblue

indeed... they cannot find joy, so creation of suffering suffices as a replacement emotion.

much as an extreme psychotic may need murder to be fulfilled, a politically powerful, wealthy psychotic, if in control, may actually GET OFF ON killing...and if he is a BIGTIME psycho, he may feel very fulfilled [powerful and meaningful] by KILLING THE WORLD. right. impossible concept...that someone in control may only find satisfaction in KILLING what they control. ted bundy killed the women he controlled. a psycho politician or elitist may possibly find satisfaction ONLY in killing the world...nothing could be more fulfilling in that psychosis. that's why they [some leaders] wont save us...wont work to make it better. its not what psychotics WANT. they really need it dead. that's the ONLY WAY to get off on complete control. it explains a lot. in fact, the stuff leadership is doing is so insane its the ONLY thing that explains their string of perverse, murderous failures and betrayals...a very few people are in control of the world right now.

How do you get to the idea of "shock and awe" saturation bombing of Baghdad? its a short jump for a psychotic, stupid beyond conceptualizing [murderous as well], and destined to fail.
edit on 5-7-2014 by urmenimu because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-7-2014 by urmenimu because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-7-2014 by urmenimu because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 11:54 PM
a reply to: urmenimu

So what you are describing is evil in its purest form, and those that control populations are this form of evil. Not a very hard sell to me. Your post is very well done, its kinda of like one of those awful pictures that you don't want to look at out of disgust, but can't help yourself because you can't believe it exist even when you know it does.

Some feel that this much evil is insurmountable, and it has taken hold to a level that control is a given. If society doesn't understand and create a world of love, we will be doomed and evil will have won.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 12:06 AM
a reply to: urmenimu

Meditating on your words.....

The great spiritual masters like Jesus teach us to forgive all, even the worst. Thats beyond the abilities of most of us, when it comes to these people you describe. Honestly the best thing I think when confronted with that sort of thing is for folks to put on their atheist hats for just that situation: here is a primate that killed other primates and is havimg sex with their decomposing bodies because his brain is malfunctioning. Its an unfortunate situation, and that primate needs to be put down. But it should not shock or awe us with its evil, its just nature.

Unfortunately, most people fall short even of the neutral athiest view, (let alone forgiveness) and get shocked, they get awed by the evil, and as such they imbue in it a sort of power, a belief that its effective because they let it change them, take them to a dark place. So if you're asking about all the attacks in Iraq that indiscrimately killed innocents to shock and awe them, that would be the source of the thinking behind it. But in the end, its inneffective. Shock wears off, awe wears off, and a whole lot of new problems prop up as people as clarity resumes. And in that clarity, the brutal power of evil ones gets replaced with a view of primates with failing and dysfunctional brains. Or perhaps better still, ( in the teachings of spiritual masters) suffering souls yearning to be shown the way.

edit on 6-7-2014 by tridentblue because: (no reason given)

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