"Then: give the inspectors more time!
Now: they've had a few weeks and they haven't found anything...
You have not misrepresented my position there but I do not think it is hypocritical.I'd like to explain why.
Before the war I did indeed feel the UN weapons inspector should be give more time.This was to ascertain if the allegations levelled by the UK/US
Government were correct.If found to be correct then International concensus would surely of followed and the current strained relations would of been
The UK/US invaded Iraq regardless without proof.They claimed that they had knowledge of WMD's hidden in Iraq.They even claimed that they knew some of
the locations of these weapons.
The UN weapons inspectors needed more time working as they were in an Iraq led by Saddam and his regime.
The US have no such problems.They are working under the US regime in Iraq.They have a free run of the country they are completely unrestricted.Not to
mentioned that they are supposed to know where they are anyway.
The UN weapons inspectors were there to check that Saddams declaration to the UN in Nov 2002 was accurate.They should of been given as much time as
the UN thought fit.
By pre-empting the Inspectors results,declaring Iraq in Breach of 1441,and invading a sovereign nation(however dispicable)it is incumbant on the US to
justify their actions.
There appears to be no proof that Saddams weapons declaration in Nov of last year was anything other than accurate.So Saddam may have complied fully
with the UN.
I believe that if the US/UK had evidence that Saddam had breached 1441 then they would of found proof by now.
I'll throw it over to you Bob.How long do you want?How long do you think the International community should have to wait before the US stumps up some
2months,6months,1year,5years.How long Bob?
The truth is if there were WMD's you can bet your bottom dollar they would of been found by now.Any request for more time can be seen as nothing more
than prevarication in the hope the world will lose interest.
The US/UK/Aus went to war without specific UN aproval.It is they that need to show justification.Or the accusation will be levelled that the leaders
of those nations misled the world and broke international laws.