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Ebola death toll jumps to 467

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posted on Jul, 3 2014 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: skitzspiricy

Thats the killers, literally poor equipment and poor training.

From what I hear of Doctors out in the poorer sub Sahara African country's most doctors are equivalent to 3rd year med students in the west. That makes me more qualified in non surgical matters! And nurses? Well its on the job training and what ever they pick up.

It not because these people are stupid. It just hard to operate world class university's when you have a civil war raging on your door step or there so little resources you barely have enough to actually treat patients let alone let med students and nurses "waste time" practicing.

As for facilities well.....the first aid kit in my car is likely better stocked.

It why doctors without borders and the WHO are so vital out there as they try and fill those gaps in.
edit on 3-7-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2014 @ 12:46 PM
Why are there too many people worrying about the ebola mutating and becoming an airborne virus??

I bet they've all watched the "Outbreak" film!

A virus doesn't mutate that fast, although I could be wrong.

And there have been reports that the virus has infected people with unexplained method of transmission. Their best theories are bats - well there goes your airborne virus worries!

posted on Jul, 4 2014 @ 01:54 PM

Let us hope none of the Muslims from the infected regions made it to Ramadan...

Ramadan in Mecca, Saudi Arabia = a huge crowd of millions of people, not to mention the crowding at the airport hub...

Ramadan is currently taking place in Saudi Arabia...

Worst case scenario is a full blown outbreak occurring in Saudi Arabia during this Ramadan and the Ebola and MERS coronavirus merging to form a deadlier virus...

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 08:26 AM

originally posted by: ahnggk
Why are there too many people worrying about the ebola mutating and becoming an airborne virus??

I bet they've all watched the "Outbreak" film!

A virus doesn't mutate that fast, although I could be wrong.

And there have been reports that the virus has infected people with unexplained method of transmission. Their best theories are bats - well there goes your airborne virus worries!

Bats is likely but it could also be mosquitoes. The latter isn't known to work with Ebola, but it does work for other haemorrhagic fevers, so there's no reason it couldn't have evolved to spread via mosquitoes. Let's hope it hasn't.

posted on Oct, 4 2014 @ 03:59 PM
Mosquitoes maybe bats as well as other possible transmissions such as fruit flies. But regardless it is a concern. While I agree there may be some additional ebola related information in ebola forums the reality is that there are a lot of places that can serve as a resource for ebola. The unique transmissions are varied and complex. Only with full information can we make a difference to stop the spread!

posted on Oct, 4 2014 @ 07:09 PM

originally posted by: abole
Mosquitoes maybe bats as well as other possible transmissions such as fruit flies. But regardless it is a concern. While I agree there may be some additional ebola related information in ebola forums the reality is that there are a lot of places that can serve as a resource for ebola. The unique transmissions are varied and complex. Only with full information can we make a difference to stop the spread!

I genuinely enjoyed your very first post in a months old thread under a user name which is topical in nature (reverse spelling of Ebola). What are you trying to do?

You're making me paranoid.

Never mind. I found out. I don't typically click links from new users but I went ahead and did it.

So you want to promote a new forum you created and apparently are currently the ONLY member of as well. I'm sure ATS admins will love you for that. Peace.
edit on 4-10-2014 by 59demon because: (no reason given)

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