posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 12:21 AM
a reply to:
It would be good if abovetopsecret would make that clear generally (20 reply posts needed before a new member can post a new thread), removing the
need for newer members like me to have to do a Google search to find a thread like this which explains.
In "about ATS", there is the legend:
Our free memberships provide a host of services that either require monthly fees within some communities, or simply don't exist anywhere else.
They include:
Secure Messaging: A secure private communication system among members
Chat: Full-featured members-only chat
Full Posting: There are no restrictions on "novice" accounts '
This comes not far above the section in the "about" page which is:
"Conspiracy Theories"
While "conspiracy theorists" are often derided or the target of jokes, the fact remains that Americans love a good conspiracy theory. Many of the more
popular and highest grossing movies are based on core ideas '.
I know that much of the so-called 25 principles of the Illuminati come down to confounding, annoying, torturing ordinary people.
Do you think there could be anything in this? That, just above the conspiracy theories section, there is this lie about "no restrictions" on new
members from posting what could be very important information. Could ATS want newbies to run away and shut up, or at least toe the line for a while,
maybe until they get too tired to make a fuss with a new news post?
Let's be clear, ATS. Everyone makes mistakes - but that's really annoying. You must have sent away lots of confused new members who don't realise why
they can't post. Perhaps they've thought their computers have been infiltrated by PRISM also. It's quite disconcerting, you know - like those
commenting above this, I too got the clear, white screen after I selected to make a new thread (after reading your legend about "no restrictions").
Come on - if you have restrictions, say you have restrictions. If you don't want to have restrictions, then simply take away the restrictions. One or
the other. But please don't go giving those in the so-called Illuminati networks a little run for their money on their kind of
edit on 19-2-2015 by bw1000 because: clarity