posted on Jul, 2 2014 @ 09:50 PM
Blackwater was started by Eric Prince whose family has a long line of ultra christian, pro live against divorce radicals. Supporters of both Bushes
and Cheney, Rumsfeld and Paul Bremner.
Rumsfeld started giving large, untendered contracts to Blackwater as he was frustrated with rules of engangement of proper soldiers, yes, he thought
he should be able to sign death warrants essentially.
Putting Bremner in Iraq was motivated by greed - he basically ran around with Blackwater raping Iraq, they would shoot innocents without care to ROE
as it didnt apply to them and this motivated more and more hatred. Brember was giving contracts to multinationals that allowed them to tale 100%
profit out of the country, no tax nothing to give back for the millions Iraq was paying in oil administered by Bremner and the US. Every contractor
needed protection, see Blackwater, halliburton etc. Iraqi's seeing their country got a little angry, Iraquis seeing marines taking over their Schools
as firebases and not providing anything got a little angry.
And when they protested, Blackwater and the Marines opened fire....
Yes, its a typical story of greed and gung ho.
Should not be suprised that messrs Bremner, Rumsfeld and Cheney have done very well out of Iraq contracts (including Blackwater).
How is that not a conflict of interest and a massive crime.....