posted on Jun, 30 2014 @ 03:59 AM
Global revolution is coming, the earth is slowly dying. And the alternatives are no better, we could be in a world controlled by a police authority,
without oil our large populations would decay within a decade (no medicines, no infrastructure, no food or water). So what do we do? Do we wing it?
Just go with the flow like we have been doing for thousands of years? Do we hope that it will all just work out?
Well having hope is a good start either way. When you have hope you can keep your head up, and with your head up it should dawn on you, the answer to
our problem lies in the stars, literally. We need to get off this cramped planet, that is the solution, we need to come together and start building
some sh!t on the moon or mars.
For all those hotheads who need to blow something up, instead of devising a million ways to blow up a human being, why don't you find a better way to
blast sh!t into space.
For the tree huggers, instead of fighting the rest of the world (your gonna lose) why don't you come up with a way to grow trees on a sterile planet.
For all those greedy bastards out there, why don't you find a way to mine those asteroids made of solid gold and diamonds, why do we have to rape
little countries for their scraps? Wake up people, start thinking for yourself and stop listening to your t.v.'s.
If Diane Sawyer or Dr. Oz told people at 3oclock in the afternoon that jumping off of bridges would help them lose weight we would lose more than half
our population by 4pm.