posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 06:55 PM
This has had me puzzeled for many years, the fact that I always accumulate an amount of blue fluff in my belly button - the same thing happens to my
cousin as well (we are males) and I just can't understand it - why not red or black? why is it always blue? Anyone else get this problem?
I would like to know if there is a possible scientific explaination for this phenomenom - does it happen to you? Please relate your experince with the
blue fluff - oop I just looked and there it is, right there in my belly button, blue fluff . BTW both my cousin and I have "inny", quite deep belly
I'll even hazard to say that if you are a male with a deep hairy belly button you will some blue fluff there right now if you look - go on I bet
there is LOL