posted on May, 27 2003 @ 11:47 PM
....I guess I'll give it a shot.
I was born in 1984 in Detroit, MI. My dad was an aviator so my family has moved around a lot. Lived in Southern and Northern Cali, Florida, and VA.
I've lived in Chesapeake, VA (right next to VA beach) for the last 6 years and it was the first place I could call home. I went to Michigan state
for my freshman year, did horrible in my classes so I am now coming back home for school. I have two sisters (one died 4 years ago to cancer, she was
only 7) and a brother, I'm also the oldest. Came up with my name from the boat I rowed in when my team went to nationals. It was the All For ONe,
so AF1 was perfect.
Came to ATS a few years ago back in the ezboard days, under different names but posted only a few times. When I clicked on that link I had no idea
what I was getting myself into.