"This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever
you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes." -Morpheus to Neo, in "The
I can't recall a clear-cut, specific moment when I chose the red pill. Found ATS somehow, by googling some topic of interest. Started poking around
here for a few hours, and couldn't believe all the fact-based discussion of conspiracy, cover up, and corruption (my main areas of interest.) Closed
the tabs on my browser, but an impression had been made. Started lurking for a few months, as I did not yet feel I had anything worthy to add.
Then, I found something interesting a few months back, bit the bullet and made an account. (tracked flights of recon aircraft over US soil, near/over
my state.) Seemed recieved pretty well, so I gained a bit of courage to post a bit more. (Note: to the lurkers out there, it can be quite intimidating
with all the knowledge and wisdom some of the regulars possess.)
However, this choice to seek out the truth, rather than live in blind ignorance, has been haunting me somewhat as of late. Throughout history, the
quest for truth has driven many a man mad. "Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad." (spoken by Prometheus in Longfellow's poem The Masque
of Pandora)
Had a dream last night that a friend of mine who works in IT and I were having a conversation. In the dream, there was a "list" I wasn't aware of,
comprised of those considered to be enemies of the state. He said to me, "You know that you're not really considered a person anymore, right?"
Basically, once you were on the list, that seemingly everyone but me had access to, no one would associate with you out of fear. Blacklisted.
In my attempts at bringing to light the FBI's investigation of Michael Hastings' reporting on Bowe Bergdahl, the current legal chicanery involved with
lawsuits against NSA, and the secret usage of Stingrays by LEO's, among many other topics, I worry that through second-hand reporting of sensitive
issues that those in power are trying their damnedest to keep quiet, I'm somehow making myself a target. Second-hand reporting though it is, the
simple act of bringing it to a larger audience here at ATS, from sources others may not find or read regularly, is somehow criminal in this current
political climate.
In essence, I think I'm going through a crisis of faith. What good does seeking out the truth do, if others are unable to (to use a cliche) "wake up,"
or more importantly,
refuse to wake up to the deep, dark, ugly truth that surrounds us?
They say ignorance is bliss, well, that may be so, but Pandora's Box has already been opened to me... And I can't go back to sleep.
So, anyone else already faced this dilemma, and do you wish you had just "taken the blue pill?"
edit on 6282014 by CloudsTasteMetallic because: