posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 08:34 PM
Upon reading your initial paragraphs, I wondered if perhaps your thread should be moved to 'relationships' (you and..... you!)
Glad to read further and see that you softened the edge a little.
Well, if I understand your intent -- and this is just me, the ATS member talking, not the moderator -- you seem to have a bit of frustration with
some of the things you read here............ and that's okay! I offer to you that it's the plethora of differing ideas that occur here that are
the true treasure. Sure, I frequently read things that I truly disagree with, and other times things to which I am personally opposed.
I have come to treasure the cornucopia of eclectic ideas that are presented here; when we voluntarily expose our minds to various ideas, we can grow
via testing our own mores against them, and by taking the time and care to actually consider viewpoints that differ from those of which we are
............ which isn't to say that bashing one's head against a wall is always a bad thing, just that it isn't a habit that appears to be
productive in the long term.