posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to:
They look like they are dragging their feet on this keeping the guns out of the hands or the "criminally insane" ect because acting on it would
confine the thing to a few citizens and then become ineffective as a propaganda tool for smearing the whole lot.....which make up 99.999999% of the
What they want to do is plant the yeast of insanity to leaven the whole defense of the 2nd amendment. And this is only one part of the attack as they
have already planted the leaven on just about every other front, cultural, historical, domestic and racial.
That the whole 2nd amendment is practiced and protected by a bunch of wife beating cultural malfunctioning white males, backward in time and
dysfunctional in their forward look, that cling to bibles, guns and some outmoded constitution written by a bunch slave holding hypocrites who wrote
the thing while eating red meat and drinking beer. Oh and thus they could be mentally ill.