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Football Soccer World Cup 2014 Forcast of the Angel of Lightness

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posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: The angel of light

What were the consequences? that a very mediocre team that also arrived to quarter finals by cheating the Croatians and Chileans made the worst possible ridicule pretending to be a genuine semifinalist.

So Brazil cheated and sports are all predetermined?

It cant be referees making shocking calls?

The way I see it and many games is that there was some very bad refereeing.

To claim how the games are called are because of bribes or what not need to have little bit more reason behind it that there is.

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: The angel of light

The Peace of God to all that belong to the Light,
Dear Readers,

I want to review as an epilogue of this thread what where the achievements I got in my predictions with respect to the world cup 2014.

1) This was the only thread in all ATS and perhaps the only actual precise prediction published referring to a possible second Maracanazo coming to Brazil in this Tournament, as far as I can found, released more than 10 days before of the actual event at Mineirao stadium of Belo Horizonte.

June 23th 2014, 12:55 am, Post by the Angel of Lightness,
it might be able to repeat another Maracanazo, that Brazil will never forget in History, in case the Carioca team could overcome Chile.

2) As a matter of fact, my posts also predicted that Columbia was going to serve the second Maracanazo to the next rival of Brazil , in some way, as actually happened with the suspension or injury of the only two players of acceptable performance that Brazil had.

June 23th 2014 12:55 am post by the Angel of Lightness
So the desire to optimize at maximum this opportunity can give them the necessary stamina to resist such stress and offer to the world a genuine Maracanazo.

June 23th 2014, 12:55 am, Post by the Angel of Lightness,
it would not be surprising for me if they can do it, in spite of the tremendous pressure to have all the public against and that might be as grave as the Maracanazo

3) Also I was correct in that Brazil was the only country that was in position to create great trouble to Columbia to go in to semifinals, but the final outcome was going also to stop the advance of Brazilians to the final.

posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 09:54 PM
The only country that has a clear possibility to complicate a lot the advance of Columbians in this world cup is Brazil, and through a great pressure of the public over the referees, but ....they can accept the challenge to cut the advance of Brazilians to the final.

4) I also foresaw that Brazil was not going to be able at all to react under the German artillery and revert the result, as well as the end of the end of the Career of Mr Scolari as Coach of Brazil. .

July 8th 2014, Post by the Angel of Lightness,
Although Germany passed over France with the minimum possible favorable result 1-0, is going to make this Brazilian team look horrible, I would not want to be for just a moment in their shoes, it would be several times better that they would have lost that match with Columbia in Fortaleza than to pass to do the ridicule is waiting for them ahead.

A terrible negative score against Brazil in their game with Germany is what I clearly see waiting, almost unbelievable. This will be so sad for that country that has had a lot of glories in he past in this sport and also to have won more times the world cup than none else in History.

Many players and the coach are going to be a terrible trouble to explain to their country such a catastrophic result!.

5) I predicted correctly that on this version of the world cup the betting agencies were going to get alot of money from imprudent gamblers, with incredible Hugh losses for people that followed forecasts advertised in the media.

July 1st 2014 10:15 Post by The Angel of Lightness in response to Imafungi
My sixth sense is saying to me that there is anxiety in the air to bet for who is going to be the winner of the world cup, please be prudential, this is a sport, is something beautiful but not to lose the mind for it.
This Friday be careful to assume that the winners are going to be necessarily the countries with largest Historial in world cup, many people is betting strongly by following forecasts that are exclusively based on such statistics, when it is clear that the spirit of this world cup is the one of surprises and of an unfolding of new revelations in Football.

6) I clearly foresaw that in we were going to see at second stage, quarter finals , semifinal and final of this cup a lot of surprises, since that was the spirit of this tournament.

June 23th 2014, 11:49 pm Post by the Angel of Lightness
Second, what I have posted is my perception of the causal lines that are related with each of the teams, and there are factors that create predisposition, but also can be modified for the final attitude, the psychological state of the players in the day of the game.

This is a tournament of surprises, and Costa Rica and Chile have been the typical cases,

7) I predicted correctly that Columbia and Costarica were going to show an excellent performance until quarter finals.

posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 09:54 PM
If you believe in surprises watch carefully Columbians in this world cup. They can be for Brazil what Costa Rica might be in the second stage for the team of Netherlands, a really complicate and unpredictable rival.

posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 11:49 AM
Costa rica will prove to be the most difficult rival Netherlands will find in this world cup, with some brilliant moments that may cause a lot of stress to the Dutch players.

8) I was right also in that Netherlands was going to win over Chile.

posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 12:59 PM
They have a clear goal ...they don't like surprises as for instance Columbia, they will win over Chile to avoid any possibility to jeopardize their chance to go smoothly ...

9) I also predicted the great performance of Belgium against Argentina and Against USA in this world cup:

posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 11:49 AM
Now, Argentina or America ( the two appear really tied in the oracle right now) will have a very difficult games against Belgium, among the the best of this world cup, with great movements and possibilities of goal.

10) I predicted correctly that formers Champions Uruguay nor Italy won't go ahead into quarter finals.

June 23th 2014, Post by the Angel of Lightness 12.55pm
For some reason I perceive Italy this time relatively weak to be able to overcome Columbia.

June, 23 2014 @ 01:16 PM Post by the Angel of Lightness
Italy will have a tremendous nightmare ...they have less probability than none other in that group to go ahead, I don't see sincerely any chance for them at all .

post June, 23 2014 @ 09:54 PM The Angel of Lightness Italian team is in risk that even a last moment good performance of Uruguay can be the end of their role in this world cup. .... Nevertheless,.. the next stage first game will be against Columbia and honestly none of the two possible rivals is going to defeat that team

11) I also foresaw Argentina going well into semifinals and the final of the world cup of 2014, but also sadly that if they didn't get win in regulatory time they were going to lose it.

July 3th 2014 Post by the Angel of Lightness
If Argentina does not concrete a significant advantage in goals during the regulatory time, ..... , Argentina will lose .....

I know it sounds terrible that a world cup played in South America would have only one South American country arriving .... but the really relevant point here is that that only regional team can perfectly win the world cup 2014.

Thanks for your attention,

The Angel of Lightness

edit on 7/16/2014 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: The angel of light

Seeing as Alan Handsome has
left his position as the God of Punditry on Match of the Day, i'm surprised that they have not given you the job.

Maybe they think you are not up to the task as you cannot say "Shocking defending" in the right accent, or perhaps another reason, such as you not knowing your arse from your elbow.

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: The angel of light

So I guess you are ignoring my question which lets me know you have some kind of agenda. No matter how many times you try to reiterate your predictions, and this goes for ALL of your predictions, you FAIL. You do not have any special powers and are doing nothing more than guessing. At least you are sticking with your FAIL and your high and mighty persona.

Does it get old being so wrong all the time or are you so blinded with bias that you just don't see how wrong you are?

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

These are not mere speculations but undeniable facts, and sadly are reducing dramatically the credibility of the final outcome of the World cup.

What is really speculative is to claim that Germany has really at present the best national soccer team of the world when many things were carefully arranged to create the circumstances that favored them to get the cup, I'm not saying that they had something to do in that maneuver, but Brazil worked for them trying to force their advance to a semifinal they never deserved to have reached.

Edson Arantes Do Nacimento "Pele" clearly warned in April that he was worried about the evident weaknesses he was seeing in Brazil, and his word has a tremendous weight to judge soccer performance as the only player three times world cup winner of History.

The World cup of 2014 will forever live in the annals of History surrounded by a so dark shadow of doubt, with great contradictions questioning its fairness, how can be explained in other way that:

- The same Brazil that was horrible humiliated in Mineirao for 7-1 with German became tied 0-0 with Mexico, a soccer team that gave so fierce battle to Netherlands, that was the third place in this tournament and three times first runner up in others of the past, what a contradiction ??

- That Columbia lost for 1 goal, with one other nullified by a referee and a clear penalty never given to them, plus other 30 faults that received from Brazil without control of referees, when that same country won clearly over Uruguay, after that team moved out Italy of the tournament, in other words a winner over two teams of former champions of the cup??

- That Chile also became defeated by this so mediocre Brazilian team when it was coming from wining in so clear way over the champion of 2013 Spain??


The Angel of Lightness

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

A long time ago the angel of light did predict that a vasa croe does not exist. With other words, you do not exist in the world of the angel of light. You can assume that he can walk straight pass by you and does not notice you at all.

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: The angel of light

There has been a lot of exaggeration from people that anyway will never accept the validity of any achieved prediction through psychic means since the sole idea of prophecy question completely their system of ideas respect life, their cosmology.

I foresaw Argentina arriving to final after a so tied result with Netherlands,

posted on Jul, 9 2014 @ 04:10 PM by the Angel of Lightness
This evening it is not realistic to wait for an easy definition long before the regulatory time enters in its last third, even possibly a so tied result along almost all the match. Perhaps we are going to be extra time or a last minute definition, anyway I expect a long agony for today, not another overwhelming result. PM

I was not so far as many claim of the final outcome of the world cup, I foresaw that Germany was going to have so tied and complicate game with Argentina, nothing to do with the overwhelming result they got playing with the fifth category team of Brazil, as well as that Brazil was also going to lose with ample score with Netherlands.

posted on Jul, 9 2014 @ 06:49 PM by the Angel of Lightness
This is not just opportunistic luck, but a well done high quality soccer level of game.
The winner team is a tremendous rival to Germany, is indeed arriving through real merits not just because some other team made all the hard work in advance.

We are watching a genuine Finalist of world cup. Poor of Brazilians, they believe the tragedy is over, that is not the case, even the team that lose in last minute this match will demolish them in the battle for third place.

posted on Jul, 9 2014 @ 07:40 PM by the Angel of Lightness,
Germany will taste a very different kind of rival in the Final, one that make them feel that perhaps it would be better to reserve some of the goals they have already done Yesterday for that day instead

July 9th 2014, Post by the Angel of Lightness
You are going to see how easy is that going to be, they are not going to handle that game in the way they did it the one of Yesterday, that day they will be really needing to fight, not just to eat the Columbian Breath with butter they found already prepared for them in Belo Horizonte.

I couldn't predict the winner of the world cup by its own name, and in June 23th I didn't feel that Germany was going to arrive to the final, but I gave on July 1st two hints that are absolutely descriptive of the winner of the cup, and The German team matches perfectly with both.

Germany has among its traditions the fact to be the first country of north Europe in to Arrange Carnivals, by the 13th century, cities like Düsseldorf, Cologne and Mainz, that are among the most important places of training of the German National team have carnivals that are famous all around Europe.

In particular

the German team that won the World cup is among the youngest in the tournament, with almost no veteran figures on it, and ages in between 21 and 25, so they were not winners of any previous World cup, they were children when the last time Germany won the tournament, more over, the only goal they made in the Final came from a player that has only 22 years of age.

Well, I predicted these two situations in the winner of the world cup with many days in advance to the final,

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 10:13 PM by the Angel of Lightness
I can foresee that in the final there will be by sure at least one country that never before has won it.

What I can perceive now is that The Fifa world cup would be won apparently, as it happened in the 2010 version of this competition, by a country that never before got it.

Interestingly the oracle clearly shows that the new world champion team has its housing training arena in a city that every year celebrates a very colorful carnival. That is precisely the way is going to be received the world cup in that country.

Thanks for your attention

The Angel of Lightness

edit on 7/17/2014 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 11:04 AM

originally posted by: The angel of light
a reply to: The angel of light

There has been a lot of exaggeration from people that anyway will never accept the validity of any achieved prediction through psychic means since the sole idea of prophecy question completely their system of ideas respect life, their cosmology.

I foresaw Argentina arriving to final after a so tied result with Netherlands,

posted on Jul, 9 2014 @ 04:10 PM by the Angel of Lightness
This evening it is not realistic to wait for an easy definition long before the regulatory time enters in its last third, even possibly a so tied result along almost all the match. Perhaps we are going to be extra time or a last minute definition, anyway I expect a long agony for today, not another overwhelming result. PM

I was not so far as many claim of the final outcome of the world cup, I foresaw that Germany was going to have so tied and complicate game with Argentina, nothing to do with the overwhelming result they got playing with the fifth category team of Brazil, as well as that Brazil was also going to lose with ample score with Netherlands.

posted on Jul, 9 2014 @ 06:49 PM by the Angel of Lightness
This is not just opportunistic luck, but a well done high quality soccer level of game.
The winner team is a tremendous rival to Germany, is indeed arriving through real merits not just because some other team made all the hard work in advance.

We are watching a genuine Finalist of world cup. Poor of Brazilians, they believe the tragedy is over, that is not the case, even the team that lose in last minute this match will demolish them in the battle for third place.

posted on Jul, 9 2014 @ 07:40 PM by the Angel of Lightness,
Germany will taste a very different kind of rival in the Final, one that make them feel that perhaps it would be better to reserve some of the goals they have already done Yesterday for that day instead

July 9th 2014, Post by the Angel of Lightness
You are going to see how easy is that going to be, they are not going to handle that game in the way they did it the one of Yesterday, that day they will be really needing to fight, not just to eat the Columbian Breath with butter they found already prepared for them in Belo Horizonte.

I couldn't predict the winner of the world cup by its own name, and in June 23th I didn't feel that Germany was going to arrive to the final, but I gave on July 1st two hints that are absolutely descriptive of the winner of the cup, and The German team matches perfectly with both.

Germany has among its traditions the fact to be the first country of north Europe in to Arrange Carnivals, by the 13th century, cities like Düsseldorf, Cologne and Mainz, that are among the most important places of training of the German National team have carnivals that are famous all around Europe.

In particular

the German team that won the World cup is among the youngest in the tournament, with almost no veteran figures on it, and ages in between 21 and 25, so they were not winners of any previous World cup, they were children when the last time Germany won the tournament, more over, the only goal they made in the Final came from a player that has only 22 years of age.

Well, I predicted these two situations in the winner of the world cup with many days in advance to the final,

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 10:13 PM by the Angel of Lightness
I can foresee that in the final there will be by sure at least one country that never before has won it.

What I can perceive now is that The Fifa world cup would be won apparently, as it happened in the 2010 version of this competition, by a country that never before got it.

Interestingly the oracle clearly shows that the new world champion team has its housing training arena in a city that every year celebrates a very colorful carnival. That is precisely the way is going to be received the world cup in that country.

Thanks for your attention

The Angel of Lightness

WHAT? Ok, so please let me know ANY country that played in the World Cup that does NOT have a colorful carnival every year and some sort of training arena in a city? That is the most generic statement you could make.

And you said "COUNTRY" that has never won the cup.....not players. Yet again you are desperately trying to make your FAIL prediction fit the ACTUAL results.

At this point I can only think you HAVE to just be a troll. It has been very clearly pointed out that you are wrong and this last post makes that even more clear.

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: The angel of light

the German team that won the World cup is among the youngest in the tournament, with almost no veteran figures on it, and ages in between 21 and 25, so they were not winners of any previous World cup, they were children when the last time Germany won the tournament, more over, the only goal they made in the Final came from a player that has only 22 years of age. Well, I predicted these two situations in the winner of the world cup with many days in advance to the final, posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 10:13 PM by the Angel of Lightness I can foresee that in the final there will be by sure at least one country that never before has won it. What I can perceive now is that The Fifa world cup would be won apparently, as it happened in the 2010 version of this competition, by a country that never before got it. Interestingly the oracle clearly shows that the new world champion team has its housing training arena in a city that every year celebrates a very colorful carnival. That is precisely the way is going to be received the world cup in that country. Thanks for your attention

Now that is classic clutching for straws.

What you quoted, your prediction mentions "country" a few times, Are we supposed to forget that Country and players are two different words?

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: InhaleExhale
a reply to: The angel of light

the German team that won the World cup is among the youngest in the tournament, with almost no veteran figures on it, and ages in between 21 and 25, so they were not winners of any previous World cup, they were children when the last time Germany won the tournament, more over, the only goal they made in the Final came from a player that has only 22 years of age. Well, I predicted these two situations in the winner of the world cup with many days in advance to the final, posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 10:13 PM by the Angel of Lightness I can foresee that in the final there will be by sure at least one country that never before has won it. What I can perceive now is that The Fifa world cup would be won apparently, as it happened in the 2010 version of this competition, by a country that never before got it. Interestingly the oracle clearly shows that the new world champion team has its housing training arena in a city that every year celebrates a very colorful carnival. That is precisely the way is going to be received the world cup in that country. Thanks for your attention

Now that is classic clutching for straws.

What you quoted, your prediction mentions "country" a few times, Are we supposed to forget that Country and players are two different words?

These are not the droids you are looking for.

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

Now that is classic clutching for straws.

What you quoted, your prediction mentions "country" a few times, Are we supposed to forget that Country and players are two different words?

Ha Ha Ha...... Ha, definitively how I love this thread!. I really have enjoyed it since beginning to now when it results that my foes that are trying to launch a useless boycott, in any possible way against this really interesting and successful Prediction. They don't find any Intelligent way to deny an Ultimate and Definitive Proof that bury all their arguments and cheap critics about my forecasts. Every time they fall even deeper in the ridicule they have decided to make here!.

Of course in the context we are talking there is no Distinction at all among teams and Countries, since this is not a tournament of clubs, but one among National teams, so each one represent a country, that is pretty obvious for everybody. Countries don't play matches of soccer, but national teams certainly yes, however, for simplicity all the journalism refers them as countries.

The entire media of the world refers countries when they are talking about national teams, you can see all around the web, the news papers and being said in the TV and Radio, so that is the most silly comment I ever have listened at all, is absurd , extremely laughable, reveals desperation among the ones that don't find the way to continue boycotting the thread with irrelevant critics .

It is really difficult to say who is exposing its own dignity for worst ridicule, if who wrote that reply saying that countries and teams are different when talking about the world cup winners or losers, or who is supporting it, both must look for a job as comedians, or clowns in a circus, they will get it by sure!

Argentina certainly has a carnival, Not in Buenos Aires that is the official concentration place of their national Soccer team, it is celebrated in the region of Entre Rios, in the city of Gualeguaychú , where it is rare to see nothing else important in terms of International events apart of that Carnival.

Brazil has a very well known Carnival in Rio, but I clearly stated along great amount of posts that their national team was not going to win this world cup, to the contrary that it was going to suffer a second Maracanazo, as it happened in the stadium of Mineirao, at Belo Horizonte.

Netherlands soccer team has its official concentration stadium in Amsterdam

Netherlands soccer team official training stadium

Also Netherlands has Carnivals, very colorful, but are not in Amsterdam, they are celebrated in the provinces of Brabant and Limburg, so that does not match with my description that must be in the same city where the their Soccer team trains.

Therefore, the only possible team among the ones playing the semifinal and final that could match with my description is exclusively the one representing GERMANY, no other matches completely with the conditions of my Prediction.

My premonitory comment was uniquely determining which country would win the 2014 world Cup, for anyone enough smart to read between lines, it was a precise forecast given for me to whoever was able to interpret it correctly, it was not my problem if you didn't understand it.

Here the news of the National Carnival that the World cup triggered in Germany:

Sorry folks, but this time like the old proverb says he who laughs last, laughs longest/best.

See you in 2018, where I can Predict that I am going to have also great fun if you decide to come back to try Boycott my threads with your so hilarious comedian show, good luck in your career making jokes, I foresee for you more success in that activity than even the one got by the Three Stooges!!. Sorry, no offense, but your comment made me laugh as nothing else in this world.


The Angel of Lightness

edit on 7/17/2014 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)
extra DIV

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 06:31 PM
Loook mate, you may say you predicted the outcome of this but you said this...

Sorry ,but I don't perceive this world cup being served for the Teutons in spite of their great soccer past.

As a consolation for the ones of You that love Germany and Costa rica, I can predict that those teams are going to win their first games of this week, but that momentum will not be good enough to put them among the best four.

And this...

Germany don't have shown anything in this world cup yet that suggests they are going to advance in a semifinal or final, they will be beaten in a so painful way by France. Now, the winners of that game will have an almost impossible challenge ahead, to defeat the winner among Columbia, Brazil, Italy and Chile to be able to confront Netherlands.

And this...

Now, concerning your expectations of Germany, let me respectfully to keep them for 2018, This German team is not going to make such a miracle to overcome over Brazil, Columbia, Chile and France in order to go to the final, that is daydreaming, forget that.

And that's just on page one.

I hope you didn't bet any money on your predictions.

Indecently, I got the 4 teams in the semi's correct in my pool, I just got two of them backwards in their positions in the Final and consolation. And I didn't make any predictions but did make 50 bucks for finishing 3rd over all in the pool. My buddy got all the matches in the knockout rounds correct and walked away with 500 bucks. Not bad for a 10 dollar buy in eh?

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: The angel of light
These are not mere speculations but undeniable facts,

The only undeniable fact here is you suck at making predictions!

posted on Jul, 24 2014 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: hellobruce

Not, the only undeniable fact is that there has been a campaign of boycott to the thread by people that were coming her expecting that I was going to tell them for which team to bet money.

That is something is absolutely incompatible to me, I am not posting predictions along 7 years in this forum and others of ATS with outstanding rate of achievements, every time warning that the world requires a drastic return to moral principles just to end here being part of the chain of corruption that took millions from many people along the world cup by , for instance, making appear a team that didn't have any chance to arrive to semifinals, through bribery or harassment to the referees, to be there just to make the ridicule, but help a lot the mafias that are in behind the bets to move millions in a spectacular Money laundry operation.

I don't understand why a person that claims to have had better omens about the outcome of the cup than me needs to come here even to take part in the forum??

Please don't lose my time and yours, apparently you don't need of no body that advise you about future, so move on and go into other threads that perhaps you can mess with more interest that this one, or even better open your own threads and post your premonitions publically. It is so easy to come here and say now : "I had a better forecast than you" when the cup is already over, why you didn't posted them three weeks before the cup ended as I did??? that is also a very coward attitude by the way, where was all that courage to release precise predictions in June 23th, when I opened this thread????


The Angel of Lightness .

edit on 7/24/2014 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: The angel of light

But your predictions were rubbish and you talk like they were spot on.
Sorry but many did so much better than you.
Also prove refs were bribed or is it that your predictions were incorrect and you are deflecting the fact that you are not special and can not see into the future.

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