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12 Ways To Calm The Overactive Mind for Meditation/Sleep

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posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 12:36 AM
Accomplish something every day. Make it a thing you can complete to it's finish, that way you don't continue the process ad infinitum at bedtime.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 01:09 AM
a reply to: sled735

Thank You very Much

All of The Exercise You provide are really really useful (i do at least half of them quite regularly)


posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 08:24 AM
nothing sends me off to la la land like a good roll in the hay with the Mrs.

Great for fitness and leaves me in a zen like state afterwords. Sometimes the simple answer is the best.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 04:40 PM
a reply to: TiM3LoRd

I agree sex is a great way to "wear yourself out" for sleep. But what about those who don't have this choice?
Anyone have any other methods?

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 05:20 PM
I listen to the album 'Planetary Unfolding' by Michael Stearns at low volume. I'm usually asleep before the end of the first track. I recommend it.

edit on 16/6/2014 by MarrsAttax because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 03:06 AM

originally posted by: sled735
a reply to: TiM3LoRd

I agree sex is a great way to "wear yourself out" for sleep. But what about those who don't have this choice?
Anyone have any other methods?

push ups and exercise before sleep and a hot shower

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 05:06 AM
Great thread as always sled!

Some fun facts about me

I don't watch TV accept yesterday for some reason and all I heard was ISIS, ISIS, ISIS (yes just like the thread).

I am surrounded by woodland creatures.

I meditate often.

I rarely have a hard time falling asleep but I am usually up after 5 to 6 hours. As soon as my mind realizes its back from wherever it goes at night, it wastes no time getting the day started.

The above behaviors as well as other experiences have shaped me into who I am today and for that I am grateful. I think focusing on "my body is my temple" is of paramount import and one I rarely acknowledge but have spent some time as of late reexamining how I treat my body. I need to get past simply looking at my body as just a tool for my soul because I feel its that position that leads me to discard health and wellness, after all its just an avatar right?

What I found interesting about TV programming after not watching it for some time, was the obvious attempts of manipulating our wants and desires at all times. Aside from the ISIS charade yesterday, about 2 weeks ago I was watching the boob tube at a friends and it was some witch show, I believe it was called "Salem's Witch" or something. It had already started before I came in but first images was of two beautiful witches seducing an old man. It was very provocative and then it went to commercial break where every commercial was selling sex in one form or another. The key interesting point of all of it was that sex was used as a pedestal or a coveted prize....something to lust after and distract us from what's really important in life. I thought to myself as I was watching my friends and their children become completely enthralled by the show, just how these children are being programmed to lust after sex and how it is used to manipulate others. After sharing my thoughts my friend became defensive (protecting the ego) and said to me: "Well, Game of Thrones" is just as bad". Although I have seen the series and find some entertainment value, I agree that it is one of the same as Salem's Witches, et. al. but the difference is I know what I am watching and see the messaging laid out within. What I find interesting in Game of Thrones is the not so subtle correlations to MK Ultra type programming like what happens to one of the Lanisters I believe....


I have another friend who's kid loves GTA and was consumed by it. 90% of his toys is toy guns and knives and I got an image burned into my brain one day when I saw him riding a big wheel down the sidewalk with a plastic machete in hand and a big grin on his face. The image got to me and after having a few talks with dad about it, thankfully, did the right thing as a parent and got rid of the game and went a step further and got rid of his cable also. Granted the kid still has his toys and all that but perhaps he will at least receive a little less programing and may have a fighting chance of being himself instead of the ego that stands in our stead.

In closing, TV is by far the worst thing for mankind.

Sir Dodo

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 05:28 AM
a reply to: Rosinitiate

Yes, I completely agree with the t.v. brainwashing that's going on, and the games too.
I think you did the right thing.

T.V. programs are nothing today compared to how they were when I was growing up.
I watched Andy Mayberry, Bewitched, I Dream of Jenie, Leave it to Beaver, etc. LOL
The only show with any violence at all was Adam 12, which was a cop show.

And the mention of sex was taboo! You didn't even see models advertising underwear! LOL

Things have changed so much over the years. When I look back to that time, compared to today, I can easily see how the programming has changed our youth.
What a pity that more people who have children don't throw the t.v.s in the garbage, or at least use the parental controls!

posted on Jun, 29 2014 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: sled735
Thanks Sled all excellent suggestions

I can especially relate to number 12, I live by the river and frequently watch the wildlife wondering what they are saying to each other. They appear so happy and content and make it look so easy, it definitely eases my poor brain.

Peace and love


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