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Ride the New Age wave- The step by step manual

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posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 01:02 AM
How to create your very own cult � A well exercised recipy-

First, Spend a few weeks thinking about what the concept of your new cult will be, The longer you plan, the more you are prepared. A New Age cult concept should contain atleast the following items

1. leaders: You and/or your partners in crime

2. Guideline: let your imagination flow when you invent this divine being, it could be an alien, an assended master, Leonardo DaVinci, Jesus, or why not God? Exempel : Aknab the enlighted Orion Master- from the realm beyond and beyond- under supervision of Lord Jesus (Never give specifics unless absolutly necessary)

3. The instrument: You have to invent a fairytale how you contacted this �Aknab the enlighted Orion Master� or did �Aknab� contact you? Ouji board? Meditation? Channeling? 3d encounter? Through a dream?

Exempel: You were on a trip to a specific ancient mexico tempel when suddenly you falled into a very deep trance, a divine light entity than presented itself as �Aknab� and he explained your mission to you, �Aknabs� presence overwhelmed you with unconditional love and you couldn`t possible say no to the offer to save peoples souls from Armageddon and spread �Aknabs� teachings. When you woke up from the trance you feelt a positive change in both heart and mind, as you had been conected to a greater whole, a universal consiousness.

4. The webbsite. This is mandatory if you want to to be able to transfer your concept to lesser sharpminded individuals, and do notice that I say lesser sharpminded. The webbsite should contain a monthly/ weekly newsletter, updates, truths mixed with huge lies and offcourse �contradictions-

Exempel of newsletter:

I AM AKNAB, The Enlighted Orion Master from the realm beyond and beyond under supervision of Lord Jesus, channeled by The Seven Butterfly Warriors:

Dearly loved ones, I AM AKNAB, hear my voice and know that you are not alone. We are assisting your planet in unconditional love and peace in it`s assencsion to the 4th 5th and 6th dimensions which are now in your grasp my very dear ones. Right now we are conducting OPERATION BUTTERFLY HWWH in an attemp to raise your planets frequency, one of our crystall motherships is in this very minute sending pink and red rays of healing energy to those who are in greatest need. Your lightwork has helped us so much and we are forever and ever thankfull for all eternity�ETC

Exempel of truths mixed with lies and contradictions:

Love is the strongest lightforce in this dimension of the universe, Hate is it�s weaker counterpart.
Unconditional peace and tolerance is the greatest gift, keep it open in your hearts, the few and unworthy who doesn�t understand Our Teachings are lost in ignorance and forever bound to low frequencys.

5. The mentality of the cult. Should it be a pacifism mentality as above? Or perhaps a more �Do as we do or, think as we think, or you are forever lost in the dark corridors of your own personal hell�mentality? Remember to let your imagination flow and that fear is a powerfull tool. A collective twist usually makes things a little bit easier, if your cult members think as a collective it is more likely that you can push them into collective suicide if necesary, a dead cult member can�t sue you, but their relatives bloody well can so the best thing to do is to have pay-pal account on your site where you recieve donations, in that way you have enough money to escape the country if the situation demands it.

Now you have some of the basic tools to create your own cult and how to transfer it to lesser sharpminded individuals, an alternative to make some extra green bucks is to write a few books about you and your organisation with titles such as �The high strangeness of Aknabs Power� or � The universal lighttruth of Master Aknab and Lord Jesus� And don�t forget to introduce and announce special days such as �Wordwide meditation of Healing �in honour of our beloved Aknab- 27 December�.

Over 1000 Webbsites can�t be wrong!! Halting of the individual thinking and brainwashing WORKS!

Did all of what you just read sound famaliar?

Dear ATS member
Never loose your critical eye and your ability to think as an individual.

DS: Any New Age cult member who wants to throw a stone or two at me? Take a queue number.


posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 01:29 AM
taking notes....

thanks there cactus. you want to join my cult? we eat babies on wednesdays, and the kool-aid is great!

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by Cactus
1. leaders: You and/or your partners in crime

Ya know I've heard that squeezing in some form of 'Donation' to 'The Church/Movement' works out nice too!! An History of 'Sacrifice to the Gods' of everyone's 'Best Material Items' didn't just happen to be written on them pages by accident!!

3. The instrument: You have to invent a fairytale how you contacted this �Aknab the enlighted Orion Master� or did �Aknab� contact you? Ouji board? Meditation? Channeling? 3d encounter? Through a dream?

Their face on a tortilla or private personal visions by random people still work to this very day!! I say, don't even risk changing it to something as credible as Divination or ET Contact!!

4. The webbsite. This is mandatory if you want to to be able to transfer your concept to lesser sharpminded individuals, and do notice that I say lesser sharpminded. The webbsite should contain a monthly/ weekly newsletter, updates, truths mixed with huge lies and offcourse �contradictions-

Yes, but you must also make that site in One Continuous Page, Filled with White Text on a flashing yellow background, No Spaces or Breaks of any kind and using the vocabulary similar to that used by ex-cons who almost get the words right but even when they do they still use it with the wrong definition.

It's usually a good idea to have some Super Secret Info or Elixer to sell people too. Something that claims to do incredible things or is simply needed to escape their dire future. (If it promises good things, always remember to limit it to something impossible to verify. Otherwise you'll get some unhappy customers!)

5. The mentality of the cult. Should it be a pacifism mentality as above? Or perhaps a more �Do as we do or, think as we think, or you are forever lost in the dark corridors of your own personal hell�mentality?

Exactly. The rules are,
'If people are happy and nice, use fear and violence.'
'If people are scared and angry, provide a cozy relief.'
'If the cozy relief doesn't work you can also use the fear and violence anyway.'

Now you have some of the basic tools to create your own cult and how to transfer it to lesser sharpminded individuals, an alternative to make some extra green bucks is to write a few books about you and your organisation with titles such as �The high strangeness of Aknabs Power� or � The universal lighttruth of Master Aknab and Lord Jesus� And don�t forget to introduce and announce special days such as �Wordwide meditation of Healing �in honour of our beloved Aknab- 27 December�.

We should join up and work as a team! Hell, I don't even mind being one of the subranking "Chosen One's" of the Order. There's plenty to gain at those levels and I'm not greedy. In fact, we'd be better off selecting some 'Special New Member' as 'The One Who Would Lead Us', that way there will be someone else to throw to the wolves besides us, if and when the Great Oz is exposed!!

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 06:08 AM

Their face on a tortilla or private personal visions by random people still work to this very day!! I say, don't even risk changing it to something as credible as Divination or ET Contact!!

Uhu, that Divination and ET contact stuff might be risky, it is better to invent some random spirits from the realm beyond and beyond the Tortilla.

Yes, but you must also make that site in One Continuous Page, Filled with White Text on a flashing yellow background, No Spaces or Breaks of any kind

Absolutly! no need to make things to complicated. And not to forget, there has got to be some music on that webbsite containing a mix of instruments like flute, piano, and harp, or one could simply just rip off the "Zoltan theme" from the movie "Dude where is my car?".

It's usually a good idea to have some Super Secret Info or Elixer to sell people too

Like a coloured rainbow puzzle-box, do the puzzle correctly and open up your chacras. It is going to be a very expensive plastic puzzle box.
Complaints will be answered in this manner: If it doesn�t work you ain�t doing it right!!

I don't even mind being one of the subranking "Chosen One's" of the Order

Let me think here...Got it!! You are now the "Earthly incarnation of the radiant Abnaks brother", your soul-name will be "Hakkoon of the Lost Orion children". We can throw in some prophecies aswell.


"Our Mother Earth is in pain, when she delievers.. the darkness will go away to the depths of nothingness, and this world will be followed by light of the Radiant Ones."


" The blue waters will fight the red waters,... but you will not be harmed my child"

When we start to get the bad vibes that we are near exposure we can just shut down our site with the these final words- "Please understand, we do not need this webbsite anymore, because our karma is now complete"

if and when the Great Oz is exposed!!

No need to worry about that, we will just blame everything on some guy named Bob who has manipulated us, remember- If we are exposed, we are the victims! Besides there will be no witnesses left, that�s what cyanid and collective suicide is for.

Thank you for your reply mOJOm, some really fun reading I`d tell you


posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 08:40 PM
LOL!!! That sounded so similar to a cult that I rescued my friend from a few years back. I think that their website is still running. Yep... here it is
However, for a cult, you must admit, they did put in a lot of effort.

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 08:45 PM
Darn, and here I already have my own cult. Its called wupism and its a cult of one. I'm the only member. If you want to join the answer is no, go start your own damn cult.

Still, thanks for the info. I enjoyed it.

Love and light,


posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 10:57 PM
Please can I join your cult? Pretty please? I want to ascend to Wupismia with you when the purple rays of Wup arrive and take you away!!!


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