the government probally has a cure for cancer from radiation and al that. just doesnt wanna make everyone aware because it would probally be left in a
unsubstantial(word for small amount) amount for them.. and thats why there going take over happy.. because they can nuke china as much as they want
knowing they wont get hurt from it because they can cure themselves... and after we get Iraq in good order.. there is going to be more troops there
getting ready for the invasion on Iran.. and what happens as a result of it.. and eventually leave china rotting in a populous disease and then take
them while there 1million+ army is reduced and weak just to make it simple to take over more territory... so we have a vast area to produce plans and
stragegies... pretty far out.. but i wouldnt be suprised if there is a cure ,being that the government is so stingy and secretive(aids as an example)
i donno im probally going to get a lot of yelled at for that... but iwas just freethinking about the issue so whatever
isnt there a thing called acute radiation poisioning? not just cancer but that can kill you as well, so as long as humans are vunerable to the affects
of radiation then this cancer drugs you speak of (which if they do exist, are only concealed to maintain the huge gross of pharamacy drug money) will
only be affective to a certain extent as far as nuclear holocaust is concerned.