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I'm Asking Any Higher Lifeforms! Earth Needs An Intervention!

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posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 01:00 PM

originally posted by: theMediator
a reply to: Serdgiam

Are bodies infected with AIDS unwilling to heal themselves?

We've all been fooled by not being able to discern viruses, it's not our fault at this point.

Just try to beat the system alone and see how incapable you can be.

As I said, there is a difference between being unwilling and incapable. At that point, it should easily answer your question. If it doesnt, Ill help ya out:

No, for the most part, bodies with AIDS are incapable of healing themselves, NOT unwilling.

It should be a very clear discernment and a very simple concept.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: Serdgiam

If you could actually comprehend what I've said...I'll help you out :

I was comparing the minority on earth that is problematic, to the AIDS virus.

I thought the concept was simple but I guess thinking I was a moron was easier for you.

If you stop taking me for an idiot, I will do the same.
edit on 16-6-2014 by theMediator because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: theMediator

It is a concept that I struggled to understand years ago because I over complicated it when its actually something that should be an easy and simple realization. The same thing happens when I talk about it with others, as it is perceived to be in direction contradiction to our cultural story even though it is complementary. Designing societal systems around this concept would be prudent, however, it is not a discernment that those who are in power make nor is it requested by their constituents.

The biggest difference in opinion is that I do not feel it is a small minority, but the responsibility of all of humanity. And beyond that, I do not liken it to us being incapable of curing the ailments, but unwilling.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:12 PM
This thread makes me absolutely sick to my stomach. Are you humans really this hopeless that you need some sort of God or "alien" to come save you? YOU CREATED THIS HELL! Fix it your god damn selves. "God [or aliens] only help those who help themselves."

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: Serdgiam

I do not share the same opinion but I understand you

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:41 PM

originally posted by: WhatWeNeedToday
"God [or aliens] only help those who help themselves."

The bible tells the contrary. ''Show the other cheak'' for example.

Of course, evil can thrive freely if good people do nothing to stop it.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:48 PM

originally posted by: theMediator
a reply to: Serdgiam

I do not share the same opinion but I understand you

I have connections that might give me a different insight than most, but you are certainly not alone in disagreeing with the sentiment! I know of very few people who actively take responsibility for the state of our society, and even less acting upon motives to improve it through their own living.

In doing so, we admit our own faults and accept our own personal responsibility for the atrocities and injustice we see around us. That is not an easy pill to swallow, but as a collective, we could change the world in an instant regardless of any small groups who might have controlled it up until that point. Such an event is unlikely to happen, since it not only requires taking responsibility, but actively learning how to work as a team with significant diversity in opinion. Most of us are more concerned with being "right" than building something together.

Its something of a battle every single day. I am working towards a goal though, rather than hoping for someone else to pick up my slack. To be clear on that, I am not accusing you of doing otherwise, but that was essentially the decision I had to make for myself. I am willing to help myself, and others, as long as they are willing to do the same. If one is incapable of helping themselves, but willing, I set a higher priority on providing what assistance I can.

I found the toughest part was to not expect or rely upon reciprocity.
edit on 16-6-2014 by Serdgiam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 03:45 PM
saved by a higher form of life?
should a species that appeals to a hippy dolphin for help to exist really deserve to exist?

or not?

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 07:45 PM
a reply to: Serdgiam

So what you are saying is the few that go about it Honestly, Whole Heart and Soul and put Effort into it Dies a Happy Death? Dies knowing at least He did his best pushing the rest towards the goal. Yet so far, unless one would like 3 eyed Children, puss running out their mouths, and might get to chew on a stick from time to time. I think we might have gone way pass that Line of Turning things Around for the most Part. It Could happen, after The Big War if anyone's Left.

Lets hope people actually know that Things are not as they seem. Most go about it like it's a video game, thinking I can have more Lives without the Time and Work. Theirs a Fine Line in taking Life For Granted, The Earth and Mans idea of Being On Top of everything else. More like being ungrateful for what we have and showing God we are better then Him. If anything, we might have actually Pissed of God!

Not saying I'm all worthy, holy and sane. But God has done it Before and can do it again. Save just a few That Are! Be it God, Aliens or Evolvement. Has happen and will again, only This Time Is The Last time. Will be a Normal Day, peaceful and quiet, things seem okay and Poof! Or as Christ stated, while one is Sleeping!

Yep! Seems to start at an early age these days, Plan for the Future using these steps! Would be nice and a good thing to do if People start to question what they are told To Do. World keeps repeating itself and only a few decide its time to maybe Change the record!


posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to: earthdude

Murphy's Law I find lacking since it expects gloom and never allows things to be as they are. Thats something one must come to accept, happiness is what one makes out of Crap. Trying to find Happiness while the World is doing the same is why we are in deep water now.

One should be Happy just to wake up in the morning. Happy that for this day, and what comes with it! Problem is, People do not like nor want Change and fight to keep it the same way day after day. Then complain about how boring Life is! Something happens, Deal with it the best one can and move on. No! Have to file it within their plans, change this, fix that and hope tomorrow will be better.

Nope! Today is all you get, what happened yesterday, Learn. While learning, forget about tomorrow.


posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: WhatWeNeedToday

I would Give you a Star but it seems You are unable to Receive any. First frankly, It's about the Planet and what other life is on it! As for the Humans, what you just stated is True! Yet their is rapture and frankly most think somehow they Have it in the Bag.

If you can not deal with what Life you yourself created, should one at least wonder what went wrong? # just Don't happen most of the Time. Since you are now Sick, Sorry for that. Could calm yourself down, chill and try to understand what I was doing. Cold but Creative, hard but True.

Sure some already know this and are doing what Needs to be done Now. Sure some do not even want to Think about it, and others just lists this as Doom Porn. Waking Up Is Hard, I'm just not Sorry having to do this. Sleeping it away like its just a Dream is Stupid.

In Helping others, you Help yourself although Knowing Yourself First should be considered then one could actually Help.


posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 08:26 PM

originally posted by: ausername

Maybe all that can be done already has been, and the rest is up to us, collectively.

Can humanity survive humanity?

Our ultimate test is just ahead....

We are failing.


posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 08:32 PM
a reply to: Serdgiam

And Hidden among the masses is some Good who have to be careful these days! You could say Evil is Out to Get every last one of us. And the thought that somehow you will be saved by some special spell from Evil doing Good, Spreading Light and all.

Again, thats Story Telling. Might look good on paper, in real Life it not the Truth. I'm sure that some magic does happen from time to time. I'll Swear On That! Only this road only happens to have no 7/11's most of the time, potholes and most are out to shut you down!

Only, Thats Their problem! If I given the chance to wake one from their Sleep, Happy Happy Joy Joy, if not. Try Again! Someone Happens to Wake Up, one more added to the Great Plan. Life!


posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: theMediator

What most see is where I placed this thread; LOL I always get moved so had to Be Creative. It's okay to have a beer at the end of your day from Hell. It's okay to run to the Dr. for more Pills, yet its not Okay to Ask for Help?

Somewhere Humans came up with the idea Asking is Wrong! it take a Humble Person to know that one reason We are here is to Learn. We Can Not Do This Alone! Can you fix your house if say a wall happens to fall down? Car breaks down on road, dead. Can you fix it? Pissing blood, can you fix it? Water leak, cut off your finger, computer down, roof leaking, the List will continue forever!

The Nerve! One can ask a friend, pay, trade, steal, and do it How? Simply By Asking! No Free Rides although one happens to See them when Their Best Is Given! Placing Blame will not do any good, but To Show what is Real.

Bothers People Maybe? Somehow I think Relig created this Idea that Prayer somehow leads to help. That is A LIE! Fact! Until one gets off their butts, deals with it themselves. It Ain't Happening! Prayer actually means to sit with oneself, notice somethings wrong, and Seek/Ask with Thyself. make a Choice and Move.

What do you think? Darn Voices in my head all agree, anyways.


posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 09:31 PM
a reply to: Danbones

How about keeping it simple, cut the crap and what left?


We Die, Okay! Looks to be that way, as of Now. Except, What about everything Else that's Here? Planet is Alive, slowly Dying by the way!

Has anyone even considered it May have been Our Test to defend All Life, excluding Our Own? Thats should be #1 on the List! Take and Never Replace! Doing this only Kills!

So, Yes! The Greatest Sin would be to Kill 98# of Everything here on Earth! So with that in Thought. God, Aliens, Enlightement, does happen to Come Knocking. If it were Me, I would be very Upset upon Seeing This. Help would be the Last thing you'll see!

Of course, Watching. I would take/move/save/evolve only A Few. What the story at the end of the Bible actually means.


posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: infoseeker26754
Man did OK at not wiping out the whole planet and all life on it for quite some time 'till about the time university graduates thought doing what sociopathic "old money" wants need not meet the requirements of the reality of cause and effect.
To a Parasites that kills the host without more hosts ( in this case "viable" planets) to bounce to, everything else is a higher or at least smarter, form of life.

but as long as it pays for the new swimming pool and the kid's new braces
its all OK...
till you get fukushima next door

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 07:03 PM
a reply to: Danbones


It's all well in Japan, Yellowstone, just to name a few! Yep! Just the Flu season, nothing more and the Suns just fine thank You! All is well on Earth as they say. Homeless people are the ones who do not want to work. Mass Fish Die-Offs are due to lack of H2O, Nothing to see here. Move along people, It's Okay to Be Stupid! Have A Nice Day while the Goons are just blocks away if one gets out of line. Please do go see your Dr. if having problems. Heard new Pills are being made right Now in Order to Create Happiness!

Just wait until EX. Order # 257 comes into Play! LOL Tossing them out like No Tomorrow! So Hows it Hanging in Canada? Seeing more Lights then normal in the sky? Name something odd we here in the US Don't Know. Here in the US, we really do not Hear Anything concerning Canada. I find that Odd that Canada is left out of pretty much everything.

Any ideas as to why this would be? Just cause it's a bitch to get into Canada these days! Always wanted to have a look around, meet new people and see if we here; US, are the ones going Mad these days!


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