a reply to:
I do. I use herbs and vitamins on a daily basis to heal my system as a whole. After arguing for years with regular MDs over antibiotics and other
pharmaceuticals I gave up on them and now see a Naturopath who has helped heal me more in the last six months than the entire medical field was able
to do for me in my whole life.
I was anemic almost to the point of needing to be hospitalized when I first saw my new doc, and he had that diagnosed and being treated within minutes
of me walking into his office. I have graduated from shots to a liquid herbal supplement. He also diagnosed me with celiac disease, which contributes
greatly to my low vitamin levels. This is a genetic problem for me, and I have had it my entire life. I really hate being on a lifelong enforced diet
some days, but I'm happy to be human again. My life has been literally turned around for the better.
It makes me sad how fast MDs are willing to blow off a natural course in favor of the pharmaceuticals that they so often get perks from the companies
to distribute. Good job for wanting to be open to a natural course of treatment!! We did have one family doc who preferred to discuss natural
remedies, but he was literally chased out by hospital politics. They told him that he spent too much time talking to his patients. I was grateful for
that terrible tendency of his since he counseled and helped my entire family heal after a massive traumatic event. It didn't matter if I was there
for a baby checkup or he was pulling a metal fragment from my husband's eye, he was genuinely concerned for us. I'm also grateful to have found our
new doc, he fits us well, and the boys love going in there with me.
Sorry for the side rant, this is a very personally important subject to me. I would go get my own training right now if it wasn't for the fact that
I'm raising two young boys and traveling for school is out.
My own list of supplements is extensive as there were several issues to deal with to restore my system to total health, but it's working! I take
Eluthero root for fixing one aspect of my adrenal function. I take D3, a B complex and a b6 daily as prescribed, along with vitamin c and my multi
vitamins by choice. I take sublingual drops for my allergies ( it's been a fairly good year too, I usually can't breathe through the birch pollen)
and I have herbal drops to replace my albuterol inhaler for the really bad days, and they work. I also have a tendency to lose my voice completely
due to inflammation, my doc has given me yarrow (achillea) drops for a gargle that soothes it. He has even provided me with an herbal alternative to
ibuprofen, it is so gentle on my tummy that I can't tell that I have taken it until the pain goes away.
I could continue, but I'm sure you get the picture. I will be an advocate for a natural solution anytime one is available. I understand that there
isn't always an option. I also do not mix these treatments with traditional meds with one exception, Benedryl. That is the one that I just can't
replace. Always seek a professional opinion as many others have said, just be aware that the professional opinion doesn't have to be a traditional
medical doctor. We do have a chance to be HEALTHY, not just symptom free. It takes a bit more work than popping a pill, but it is so worth it to feel
your energy and vibrancy restored to you. It is possible, too many people make too much money on keeping people sick. People can make a lot of money
treating the same symptoms for most of a lifetime.