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The Sexual Harrasment of Young Women, A Serious But Also Funny Submission.

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posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 10:43 PM

originally posted by: awakendhybrid

Would you smile and pat your son on the shoulder after he'd just whipped out his junk for a girl?

No, but it wouldn't necessarily surprise me.

I wouldn't give him the stink eye and accuse him of being an evil misogynist bastard through insinuation, that's for sure.

posted on Jun, 5 2014 @ 02:47 AM

originally posted by: theyknowwhoyouare
a reply to: SearchLightsInc

You have changed the context to make your futile point. We are (or at least were) discussing putting pics on the internet. Why are you changing the issue to phones? Sexually harassing someone over the phone is illegal and punishable so you have no real point.


I haven't changed the context you just didnt bother reading the OP. That's YOUR problem, mate. My advise is dont comment on threads until you actually read the OP and understand what is going on.

"comprende" - Spanish for understand!?

How about this. Look at yoga pants and other revealing clothing. At least the boys are asking rather than advertising their goods all day in public for the world to see.

The women never asked if I wanted to see their goods, they just throw it right in my face.

Its a fair point but you couldnt seriously advocate women dress head to toe in veils because your manliness cant handle it? Oh wait... *Thinking of muslim countries*

I wonder how long it would take before bulge revealing pants were a huge legal battle if a man dressed in clothing that showed every detail of his genitals.

Clearly you've never seen a man in skinny jeans -_-

Oh and if you feel that you have to call someone an idiot to make a point, your point must be pretty weak. Get over yourself little girl

Mate, you've clearly proven that you lack any of sort of intelligence, the OP clearly states what this is about and you've just gone off on your own tangent just to defend boys! That makes you an idiot. Its not an insult to just make you feel like one, im stating a fact based on your comments on this thread.

You have a problem with that? Stop acting like an idiot then.

posted on Jun, 5 2014 @ 02:50 AM

originally posted by: NthOther

originally posted by: awakendhybrid

Would you smile and pat your son on the shoulder after he'd just whipped out his junk for a girl?

No, but it wouldn't necessarily surprise me.

I wouldn't give him the stink eye and accuse him of being an evil misogynist bastard through insinuation, that's for sure.

Just for the record, 3 pages in and your the first poster to bring the word "Misogynist" into this thread.

posted on Jun, 5 2014 @ 06:10 AM

originally posted by: SearchLightsInc

Just for the record, 3 pages in and your the first poster to bring the word "Misogynist" into this thread.

You're the one keeping track.

posted on Jun, 5 2014 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: SearchLightsInc

I did read the OP and it mentions nothing about phones or texts. You're full of hatred and jumping to conclusions at every turn. Instead of even trying to see a point

If you had even a miniscule amount of intelligence you would not try to immediately label me as someone who defends rape and thinks women should cover themselves head to toe.

Go ahead and be a martyr. People like you deserve every discomfort their screwed up mentality brings them. You are a foolish and blind little girl. People like you give feminism a bad name.

posted on Jun, 5 2014 @ 02:45 PM

originally posted by: theyknowwhoyouare
a reply to: SearchLightsInc

I did read the OP and it mentions nothing about phones or texts. You're full of hatred and jumping to conclusions at every turn. Instead of even trying to see a point

If you had even a miniscule amount of intelligence you would not try to immediately label me as someone who defends rape and thinks women should cover themselves head to toe.

Go ahead and be a martyr. People like you deserve every discomfort their screwed up mentality brings them. You are a foolish and blind little girl. People like you give feminism a bad name.

Oh please, cry me a river.

This from someone who victim blames, laughable.

posted on Jun, 5 2014 @ 04:01 PM

originally posted by: NthOther

originally posted by: awakendhybrid

Would you smile and pat your son on the shoulder after he'd just whipped out his junk for a girl?

No, but it wouldn't necessarily surprise me.

I wouldn't give him the stink eye and accuse him of being an evil misogynist bastard through insinuation, that's for sure.

Well, I can't speak for anyone else in this thread, but I certainly wouldn't think it right to take it that far. I was shamed growing up for displaying even the slightest sexual behavior (like, kissing a boy on the cheek) and don't believe there is a good end to that, but a little tact at least would be nice. Just because we HAVE old, instinctual behaviors doesn't mean we should be spraying them all over everybody.

posted on Jun, 5 2014 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: SearchLightsInc

What would I be crying about exactly?

Your opinions and ideals matter to no one. Maybe one day when you are an adult and have some real life experience under your belt you will look at this childish thread and laugh at how immature and ignorant you were.

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 03:52 AM
That site is an awesome idea! I don't know what all the fuss is about on this thread.... This was cre
ated to help those girls offended by offensive males (see respect.)
Sure girls put themselves out there all the time in these situwtions and than bitch and complain, it is kind of like where we get words like Gold Digger from. And boys will be boys. But that dosen't mzke them all the same.
I'd like to see all the males harrassed by woman post to this site....
Woman do degrade in thier own way, men just have way less emotinal issues compared to woman. Have you ever seen a man cry because he had to cut his hair? Have you seen a woman cry because she was sexually harrased? Woman have it tough... They are the weaker of the 2 and ironically humans lack humanity.

Men please be more admirable and quit acting like animals so that we may for the first time in history have the moral highground, please!

posted on Jun, 13 2014 @ 02:27 PM

originally posted by: theyknowwhoyouare
It's human nature. Sex isn't something that needs to be hidden and secretive. If sex were a more open and less shunned thing it wouldn't be as creepy to anyone. It is a natural drive that males feel very strongly. As such they will use any means necessary to get it. Even if that means asking a bunch of random women "creepy" things.

If a woman looks like she is being sexual/seductive men will respond in turn.

Good grief...A public school education.

Sex isn't something that needs to be hidden and secretive. If sex were a more open and less shunned thing it wouldn't be as creepy to anyone.

This is about as ignorant as it gets and now this kind of thinking is becoming acceptable without anyone thinking about the real nature of it. But it is politic.

By politic I mean buying, selling, and trading the souls of a people without them knowing they are being sold bartered, and traded....thus making them unthinking voters.

Thinking people do not ever define who and what they are by their sexuality. Base animals do this kind of thing. I am not speaking out here against sex or sexuality..but only against defining ones self by this "Non Standard "

Talk about dumb and ignorant. This view seems to be totally missing from the thinking of most posters here on ATS. Male and female both. This cannot be accidental..but deliberately cultivated.

People are so much more than sex and sexuality...much much more. If you are a base are much less than a human being...male and female both..eating drinking, mating ...eating drinking and mating. One need not be rocket material to figure out this kind of thing.

It is a natural drive that males feel very strongly.

This too is about dumb as dirt. Females feel it just as strongly if not more so. Just because a female does not react as does a male..does not mean that she does not feel sexuality...or sexual. Females understand sex and sexuality across a much wider spectrum than ever will most males. Do you not, as readers, understand that a female understands the sexual side of the dogma of
" Colour, Cut, Clarity, and Cost" long before does a male???

Women understand sex and sexuality across a much wider spectrum than ever will the average male.

As such they will use any means necessary to get it. Even if that means asking a bunch of random women "creepy" things.

This reminds me of guppies or Mollies in a fish tank. Watch the males ..they..the males.. spend their lifetimes approaching the females and wagging their tails to see if the female is interested. They do not seem to even be aware that there is another pattern going on out here. Or if the game is even worth playing. They just spend their lifetime wagging to a response or stimulus that comes from they know not where.

The females are ignoring them..wondering when the food is going to come into the tank. Incredibly funny when you watch it for a while. Just basic animals responding to food or reward.
This is how many human males carry on male guppies or mollies.

Do not ever think that just because a woman does not hunt and gather as does a male...that she is not hunting and gathering. The thinking or default setting is that only males are hunter gatherers and must needs spend their lifetimes wagging their tails. Astonishing.

If a woman looks like she is being sexual/seductive men will respond in turn.

And who says a woman dresses for catching men or males?? What says she is not dressing as much in competition with other females?? Not necessarily for the males..but to mark out territory against other females.

Women understand competition much more acutely than will males ever understand it. Thus they also understand sexual competition better than most males. And they understand this at a much younger age than do most a sexual merchandizing social structure. It is the female in this sexual merchandizing structure who are subtily and sexually merchandized from very very young ages...verses the males.

For it is the females who are making most of the big ticket as well as small ticket decisions of what and how much are bought in this economy..not the males. How difficult do you think it is for the females to figure out the relationship to being personally merchandizable or worth more in the marketplace against the competition..sexually?? So how one dresses shows competition ..and territoriality against other competition...value in the marketplace against other competitiors. Women and females understand this from a much younger age than most males.

The males are busy figuring out how to run touchdowns or wag their tails.

That the females understand this ..while the males are still out here wagging their an astonishing dichotomy. A huge difference in thinking and values. I am given to ask if this not carefully cultivated in our social structure?? Because it sure is ignorant. Particularly if it is undefined to most.

I often given to likening this to males running touchdowns for access to females without even asking themselves about the nature of the game. Tail wagging.


Think about it.


posted on Jun, 13 2014 @ 02:44 PM

Its a fair point but you couldnt seriously advocate women dress head to toe in veils because your manliness cant handle it? Oh wait... *Thinking of muslim countries*

This is nonsense but it is textbook of having it both ways. Just like today's politics.

I was watching a woman in a nuclear reactor the other night. she had on a low cut sweater and was hanging out here wares for all to see.

She also had her handsome long flowing hair not pinned back or captured to prevent it from falling into the engineered area under a vacuum of many feet per minute of negative pressure.
If her hair got sucked into the might have gotten crapped out...contaminated by nuclear radiation...and then she would have pulled it out and her hair would have laid across her ample wares...and thus crapping out or contaminating her bosom. Real smart in the name of fashion. This woman did not know where fashion ended and practicality begain..protecing ones assets.

But you have to go down the Muslim Burka..."Im a victum" path." I'm not buying into it. It is not difficult to get a woman to take off their clothes. For I know women for whom this is their major skill set in their tool box. And this woman I am describing is one of them.

The Burka dictum is textbook of todays women and what tries to pass for intelligence. I dont buy into it...because I know it is not difficult to get a woman to take off her clothes. It is much more difficult to get a woman to bring something valuable to the table and make it last...past the next sound bite.

But what you are describing is is just not smart to a male who can see past it and has seen past it.

A woman was killed up at a college about a year ago when she was working on a machine lathe and her hair got caught up in the turning spindle and work on this high speed lathe. Interesting fashion statement...was it not??? Burka????

Some of us can think for ourselves. Your statement is not intelligent..but it is politic.

As to men in skinny jeans...all you are doing here is proving that females are just as physical as males...but the standard line is that only men are physical. Not so..females are just as physical if not more so than most males ever will be. the way..

Awhile back I was in one of these large hardware store franchises and the cashier who was serving me looked agast at what was going on in the other cashier lane.

I looked across and there was a muslim man...with his woman and that line. The woman was dressed in a burka from head to toe. My cashier was having a fit. I wanted to laugh but held my tounge.

I dont care for the burka thing..but at the same time I do not care for women hanging out their wares noticeably. It causes me to ask what are a womans real life skills if she must needs be an advertising billboard.

But it was funny ..looking at my cashiers reaction. I am sure she believes in everything.

Thanks to all for their posts,

edit on 13-6-2014 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 03:53 AM
I got to thinking about this today while working on my truck concerening an experience at a company Xmas party to which I was invited by a woman I was seeing at the time.

I posted previously above.....

If a woman looks like she is being sexual/seductive men will respond in turn.

And who says a woman dresses for catching men or males?? What says she is not dressing as much in competition with other females?? Not necessarily for the males..but to mark out territory against other females.

Now such affairs never much interested public for my tastes..but I attended to the woman who invited me and during the event took a break out in the lobby of the ball room where this gala affair took place.

While out in the lobby I got treated to a very interesting sight. There were some five women together in the lobby..and they were scanning the people arriving to attend this gala affair.

I quickly realized that these women were not examining the males attending but the other females is what caught their eye.

They were looking them over for the nod of approval or the shake of disapproval.

I realized that I was observing a rare glimpse into a wild, feral, primordal pecking order..very much like a status set up of chickens in a barnyard ..and mentally extablishing a competitive rating system...or competition pecking order.

It was quite raw..and uncensored,....I got to see it raw by the looks in the eyes of these women..unguarded..uncensored. And it was wild. A quick furtive scan and the nod of approval or disapproval.]

What made it so interesting was that two of these women had college degrees and it changed nothing. They were still playing this feral competitive pecking order game. Education changed nothing in this business. No evolution taking place here sir!! Nothing has change here from when men came out of the caves so to speak. Education has not changed this behavior. Nothing civilized about this??? It was raw, naked, unfiltered...uncensored. Better than prime time television and movies.

I felt and still feel that this was a rare glimpse into another world seldom seen...a very interesting study in female opportunity for a psychology class study. Where is that video camera when you need it???

Talk about wild feral animals...

Do not ever assume that when a woman dresses ...she dresses to impress a man..or male. I have remembered it ever since for how wild and feral it was...uncensored, raw, and uncivilized.

edit on 15-6-2014 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 11:31 AM
SearchLightsInc and others,

In demonstrating that women are just as physical as men and in certain arenas...more so..and better..faster at it.

I posted this to SearchLightInc above in a previous post..

As to men in skinny jeans...all you are doing here is proving that females are just as physical as males...but the standard line is that only men are physical. Not so..females are just as physical if not more so than most males ever will be.

I believe you call them a boot the UK...and as I recall ...items are sold from the boot of a car or vehicle.

Here in the States we call them a flea market or yard sale.

Many years ago I dated older women and they introduced me to the awareness of a Boot Sale or Yard Sales/Flea Markets. I would often accompany them on weekends to such events.

What this taught me was how physical a woman can be sharp and physical was her eyesight..her visual acuity.

Many times this one woman would shout out to stop...and she would be stepping out of the car or truck even before I had in fact come to a complete stop...and she was off and running to some item she had seen with great desire and passion.

After a couple of such events..It came to me that she had seen these items from a moving vehicle...and was off and running as fast as she could. I can't do that !!! ...can you do that??? ....for I cannot!!! Astonishing once I realized what it was to which I was witness...or now privy. Astonishing!!!

This demonstrated clearly how visual and physical a woman can be for the right motivations. And no debating her motivations in this case.

No one will ever convince me that women are not just as physical if not more so...than most men ever will be. What many of them are verses males is often more discrete....except in the case described above. I believe what she was in this case was more competitive for a good!! was another lesson in female psychology and study. And very worthwhile in dispelling preconcieved notions of a woman. A wake up call.

Oh..and this also clearly demonstrated that this woman..with proper motivation...could be a very primordal hunter gatherer ..if need be!!
Very competitive!!

edit on 18-6-2014 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

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