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Pregnant Pakistani woman stoned to death by family

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posted on May, 28 2014 @ 08:01 AM

originally posted by: sk0rpi0n
If saving lives id your biggest concern, then attack gun laws.

This is why you should really read what people post. I showed the gun laws. There is nothing to attack. And guns in the hands of law abiding citizens saves lives.

American gun laws have killed more people than religious law.

OH. MY. GOD. Did you really just say that? ABSURD.

The topic is the Pregnant Pakistani woman stoned to death ... wanna actually address it?

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 08:02 AM
I live near Bradford in the UK and know many western muslims whom would never do anything like this...but some of their parents would.
I know 3 ex Muslims whom because of their westernised views have been cut off by their own family. One was going to be married off and she ran off and married an english guy just to get away from it (still together three kids).
One whom I work with happens to be gay went to a Muslim school and because of his accent (camp) he was assaulted in the shower with a rolling pin(it was put up something).
He had to spend many weeks in hospital and not one family member visited him and when he came out his own flesh and blood told him If he was gay he is cut off. He tried to plead to his parents but they beat him out of the house.
He is now a proud gay man whom has a wonderful heart and I honestly love him.

It social/religious reasons for the family's to act this way towards their own flesh and blood and just wrong.
Iam glad the younger Muslims are not as fundie as the older ones but that goes for all religious people.
Just to mention also the trend of Muslim people in the UK having big illegal sex abuse rings, a few years back BBC north was going to show a documentary about it but pulled it at the last minute because they feared it would cause a riot.
Not all Muslims are bad and backward just the same as Christians but I see more barbarity in Islam than any other religion.
Oh and I hate them all btw so Iam not just picking on Islam.

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 08:03 AM

originally posted by: markosity1973

originally posted by: sk0rpi0n

originally posted by: markosity1973

originally posted by: sk0rpi0n

originally posted by: markosity1973

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: pavil
it's part of Arabic culture more than the religion.

... and the culture is based on the religion. The two can't be separated. Saying 'it's the culture so don't blame the religion' doesn't cut it. It's all together in one hot mess. And anyone who isn't horrified by this is also a mess.

It's not the culture, it's the religion.

Even in quiet little New Zealand a young Muslim girl was set alight while at work in a shell service station in the early 2000's because she spurned the attention of a muslim boy.

Was he muslim by faith or just muslim by name? Just because someone has a Muslim name, does not neccesarily mean he is a practicing Muslim by faith. A cultural ''muslim'' like cultural ''christians'' can do violent things outside of a religious context. If you read of an ''Eliot'' killing girls who rejected him, do you automatically connect his violent behavior to the religion in which ''Eliot'' is a common name?

That's a poor deflection.

If it were an isolated case, your argument would hold water. The fact remains however that where Islam exists these kind of inhuman acts occur. These are nit isolated stories either.

The problem is very simple; Fundamental Islam and sharia law teaches violence and revenge equates to holiness.
the muslim boy you spoke of did not act by Shariah. If he did, find me the ruling that permits boys to kill girls who reject them and we can figure out if he indeed acted ''islamically''. If not, you are arguing out of biased opinions.

Yeah well, that story ended up in the boy going to prison and the girl's family forgiving him. He testified he did it because she shamed him and his family in the presence of Allah. Correct islamic practice or not, he did it because he thought he was justified by the teachings of Islam.

His defence was that it was his religious right..
Then the boy was wrong and acted on his own. I read a news story of a christian woman kill someone because she thought God told her to. Can we apply your thinking to christianity?

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 08:05 AM

originally posted by: UnBreakable
But the media will keep the California shooting over the weekend on the front burner. They're already harping on the US culture and how we objectify women, not the fact it was the failure of the system in letting a kid with a history of mental problems being able to purchase firearms. But this honor killing, perpetated by her own family because Islam is the religion of peace, as we all know, will just be glossed over by our media, so as not to offend anyone and placate the liberals.

Yes, we must be careful to never ever say anything, however truthful it may be, that may upset any Muslims....

If we can be honest and call out the ugliness and offenses of the Christian churches and practitioners, then we should do the same regarding the Muslims.

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: lambs to lions

Exactly - and when was the last time we saw Mecca completely destroyed in a movie? I for one would relish seeing that, but those whiny muslims would literally destroy the world because they are so utterly backwards they make even those most insane sect of Christianity seem like a club for fluffy bunny hugs.

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: boymonkey74

Yes, I know you are an anti-theist, but you are right.

Fundamental Islam lends itself to more of this horrendous behaviour that advanced secular nations gave up in the middle ages than other religions do.

Fundamental christianity is also an absolute p in the a but it is more hot air than anything else i.e. there are lots of sensational words but no stonings or burnings any more.

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 08:09 AM

originally posted by: sk0rpi0n
If saving lives id your biggest concern, then attack gun laws.

American gun laws have killed more people than religious law.

I'd have to strongly disagree with the whole American gun laws have killed more than religion. Every heard of the Crusades? Inquisitions? Jihads? Tribal warfare? European Revolutions? C'mon, Skorp, lets stick to the topic.
edit on 28-5-2014 by lambs to lions because: edit

edit on 28-5-2014 by lambs to lions because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 08:11 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: sk0rpi0n
If saving lives id your biggest concern, then attack gun laws.

This is why you should really read what people post. I showed the gun laws. There is nothing to attack. And guns in the hands of law abiding citizens saves lives.
what you showed didn't address the issue. It remains that mentally ill people, whether on medication or not have access to guns. And gun laws do nothing to prevent that in real life scenarios...or all those people killed by gun violence would be with us today. As for the pregnant woman,I already addressed that. Ever considered actually reading other peoples posts?

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 08:13 AM

originally posted by: BasementWarriorKryptonite
a reply to: lambs to lions

Exactly - and when was the last time we saw Mecca completely destroyed in a movie? I for one would relish seeing that, but those whiny muslims would literally destroy the world because they are so utterly backwards they make even those most insane sect of Christianity seem like a club for fluffy bunny hugs.

Well, we all know that Benghazi was attacked because of a YouTube video portraying Muhammed...

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 08:16 AM

originally posted by: sk0rpi0n

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: sk0rpi0n
If saving lives id your biggest concern, then attack gun laws.

This is why you should really read what people post. I showed the gun laws. There is nothing to attack. And guns in the hands of law abiding citizens saves lives.
...It remains that mentally ill people, whether on medication or not have access to guns. And gun laws do nothing to prevent that in real life scenarios...or all those people killed by gun violence would be with us today...

Mental people also have access to knives - do we also need special laws for kitchen utensils?

Edit: It appears that Pakistan needs to prohibit the population from accessing pretty much anything at all, because those nut bars will kill with absolutely anything.

edit on 28-5-2014 by BasementWarriorKryptonite because: because oink

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 08:16 AM

originally posted by: sk0rpi0n

originally posted by: markosity1973

originally posted by: sk0rpi0n

originally posted by: markosity1973

originally posted by: sk0rpi0n

originally posted by: markosity1973

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: pavil
it's part of Arabic culture more than the religion.

... and the culture is based on the religion. The two can't be separated. Saying 'it's the culture so don't blame the religion' doesn't cut it. It's all together in one hot mess. And anyone who isn't horrified by this is also a mess.

It's not the culture, it's the religion.

Even in quiet little New Zealand a young Muslim girl was set alight while at work in a shell service station in the early 2000's because she spurned the attention of a muslim boy.

Was he muslim by faith or just muslim by name? Just because someone has a Muslim name, does not neccesarily mean he is a practicing Muslim by faith. A cultural ''muslim'' like cultural ''christians'' can do violent things outside of a religious context. If you read of an ''Eliot'' killing girls who rejected him, do you automatically connect his violent behavior to the religion in which ''Eliot'' is a common name?

That's a poor deflection.

If it were an isolated case, your argument would hold water. The fact remains however that where Islam exists these kind of inhuman acts occur. These are nit isolated stories either.

The problem is very simple; Fundamental Islam and sharia law teaches violence and revenge equates to holiness.
the muslim boy you spoke of did not act by Shariah. If he did, find me the ruling that permits boys to kill girls who reject them and we can figure out if he indeed acted ''islamically''. If not, you are arguing out of biased opinions.

Yeah well, that story ended up in the boy going to prison and the girl's family forgiving him. He testified he did it because she shamed him and his family in the presence of Allah. Correct islamic practice or not, he did it because he thought he was justified by the teachings of Islam.

His defence was that it was his religious right..
Then the boy was wrong and acted on his own. I read a news story of a christian woman kill someone because she thought God told her to. Can we apply your thinking to christianity?

So, your whole argument is that we should ignore the OP and the plight of the woman in Sudan and the girl who was burned fir wearing lipstick and the teacher who was murdered in Thailand over a case in new zealand, because as you say, he was not acting within the teachings of Islam?

Perhaps you should educate the other animals who are using Islam as their excuse to commit atrocities in the name of the very same faith the same thing.....

Oh and btw a crazy person listening to psychotic voices is different to calculated murder justified in the name of faith.
edit on 28-5-2014 by markosity1973 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: sk0rpi0n

So it is ok to stone a pregnant woman thus killing that child but abortion is wrong?.

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 08:17 AM

originally posted by: UnBreakable
But the media will keep the California shooting over the weekend on the front burner. They're already harping on the US culture and how we objectify women, not the fact it was the failure of the system in letting a kid with a history of mental problems being able to purchase firearms. But this honor killing, perpetated by her own family because Islam is the religion of peace, as we all know, will just be glossed over by our media, so as not to offend anyone and placate the liberals.

Why would media keep a incident that happened over in another country over something happened to their own country(unless there is a agenda of course).?

______On Topic_______

I would say culture over religion, but the religion does promote violence in some way. There is a huge difference between Muslims in Saudi, Turkey, and Indonesia and a big difference in generation, the Muslims in Canada, the young ones i went to school with are not like that at all, they would even eat a non halal burger behind their family's back.. So it is not the religion but the environment(culture).

Some country looking at America will say bad things to.. like they promote 13-14 yrs old to have sex, have kids at 16, does not have both parents in the house, are not faithful to each other, have illegitimate children etc etc.... imagine if they use these to bash the entire country?

Just cause its norm in on country, you can't say it would be the same in the other.

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: sk0rpi0n

Why is it that only Muslims stone women to death today?

It seems all part of a man's ego to run every female's life for them within his family group. Honour killings are about ego, keeping up with the neighbours and ancient tradition, I wonder when these people will start to realise a pregnant woman's worth is far higher that some misplaced idea of honour. In fact, ther is no honour in killing a defenceless woman and I hope they all hang that took part in that vile act. Its time the Pakistani government really took this custom and made it illegal, dishonourable and deserving of the death sentence.

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 08:18 AM

originally posted by: markosity1973
a reply to: boymonkey74

Yes, I know you are an anti-theist, but you are right.

Fundamental Islam lends itself to more of this horrendous behaviour that advanced secular nations gave up in the middle ages than other religions do.

Fundamental christianity is also an absolute p in the a but it is more hot air than anything else i.e. there are lots of sensational words but no stonings or burnings any more.

Yes, you don't hear of Christians killing Atheists, or Atheists killing Christians. Not for any perceived crimes of religion at least. The reason being is that we have moved forward, out of the dark ages of ignorance.

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 08:20 AM

originally posted by: boymonkey74
a reply to: sk0rpi0n

So it is ok to stone a pregnant woman thus killing that child but abortion is wrong?.

Sometimes the laws in the our developed nations are stupid.

Pregnant lady dies in accidental car crash, the person gets convicted for 2 lives.... even if that pregnant lady was on her way to get abortion.

The circumcision is another hypocrisy, male circumcision is A-ok. only because they were taught that is ok.

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: BasementWarriorKryptonite
a reply to: lambs to lions

Exactly - and when was the last time we saw Mecca completely destroyed in a movie? I for one would relish seeing that, use
That scene was scripted for the '2012' movie. But the director wisely decided not to make it at the last minute. The fact that he showed the Vatican destroyed is a reflection of Americas approach to its own religion. Just because Americans celebrate the right to ''free speech'' to attack religious icons,figures and places, doesn't mean everybody else has to adopt such a mentality.

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 08:22 AM
Stoning is a barbaric act done by a very few Muslim extremists in some remote places and it has been blown out of proportions by the western media for obviously biased intentions...Generalizing people based on the actions of a few is not wise and it is only used for propaganda purposes.

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 08:23 AM

originally posted by: Shiloh7
a reply to: sk0rpi0n

Why is it that only Muslims stone women to death today?

It seems all part of a man's ego to run every female's life for them within his family group. Honour killings are about ego, keeping up with the neighbours and ancient tradition, I wonder when these people will start to realise a pregnant woman's worth is far higher that some misplaced idea of honour. In fact, ther is no honour in killing a defenceless woman and I hope they all hang that took part in that vile act. Its time the Pakistani government really took this custom and made it illegal, dishonourable and deserving of the death sentence.

Yeah, I think it is about insecurity. The men a little cowards that must control their women. They can't handle if their woman were to find another handsome. They aren't big enough to handle the truth. They like the secure domineering culture they contribute to. I think by and large they all subscribe to it because they enjoy the comfort of enslaving their women to do as they please. To me, they are just scared little boys that are afraid of the natural power and beauty of women.

The women of this earth should be protected and cherished for being the wives, mothers, and care-givers that they are. I don't know where I'd be without the women in my life.

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 08:26 AM

originally posted by: shapur
Stoning is a barbaric act done by a very few Muslim extremists in some remote places and it has been blown out of proportions by the western media for obviously biased intentions...Generalizing people based on the actions of a few is not wise and it is only used for propaganda purposes.

From Wiki:

The incidence of honor killings is very difficult to determine and estimates vary widely. In most countries data on honor killings is not collected systematically, and many of these killings are reported by the families as suicides and registered as such.[10][11] Although honor killings are often associated with the Asian continent, especially the Middle East and South Asia, they occur all over the world.[12][13] In 2000, the United Nations estimated that 5,000 women were victims of honor killings each year.[14] According to BBC, "Women's advocacy groups, however, suspect that more than 20,000 women are killed worldwide each year."[15] Murder is not the only form of honor crime, other crimes such as acid attacks, abduction, mutilations, beatings occur; in 2010 the UK police recorded at least 2,823 such crimes.[16]
Source: Wikipedia Article on Honor Killing
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...sounds like more than a few renegade crazies to me. Open your eyes.
edit on 29/5/14 by JustMike because: "Ex" quote tags added, Wikipedia source link added, mod note and link added.

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