posted on May, 27 2014 @ 06:42 AM
This pisses me off.
Not all "depression like symptoms" is actual "depression".
2005 I started suffering from depression, lack of energy, feeling low, the whole works. Doctor treated me for depression, 'scribing SSRI's which
turned out to be ineffective (and now we know what was really going on, would never have been effective), counselling, behavioural cognition. Nothing
Jump forward to last year, when a friend who is also a psychologist made a realization. In 2005 I had cancer with a double orchidectomy, but the PCP
failed to start me on hormone replacement. The lack of testosterone in my body, meant an excess of eastrogen. In other words, I wasn't depressed, I
was in a permanent state of PMS (yes you can laugh, I did).
1 injection every 3 months, fixed that, permanently.
What I'm saying is you can't say that depressives are a danger to others, because not all depression is depression, and not all depression manifests
in the same way, or ends in the same way.