posted on May, 26 2014 @ 04:47 PM
I could not find this, so I am posting it. I am listing 2 sources.
Apparently, according to the articles, someone "Mistakenly" released the name of the CIA Station Chief in Afghanistan. This happened in a Press
Release during President Obama's recent Surprise visit.
Over the course of my life, 62 years now, I have come to realize that sometimes the most devious and destructive enemies of the USA work for our own
Government. The Political Party in power does not matter so much in these instances. (Remember Valerie Plume & Pres. Bush?)
No, I do not put the blame for this on Pres. Obama's head. This came from some Underling with access to Restricted, Classified, or Top Secret
I can't help but wonder if it was truly a "mistake." It seems to me that exposing our "Assets" is tantamount to TREASON. I realize this will be
"swept under the rug" and we will hear very little about it in the future.