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travel faster than light?

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posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 02:07 AM
i just come up with an idea, that maybe we have all missunderstood einstein about the whole *not being able to travel at the speed of light* thingo.
einstein states that you CANNOT, 'accelerate' to the speed of light becuase the closer you get to the speed of light the more mass you if you get infinitely close to that speed than you have infinite mass or something like that.

well maybe there are particals that already exsist and that travel a hell of a lot faster than the speed of light and were just around since the beginning? maybe we cant accelerate to and faster than the speed of light but maybe somehow in the future.... a long long long way away, when we master quantum mechanics, we can somehow manifestate ourselfs or hitch a ride on these (just persuming that they do exsist) *faster than light* moving particals

its just an idea? anyone else thought the same? anything to expand on this?

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 02:11 AM
Well you got Einstein's idea right.

But I don't know about those particles you are talking about.

But the problem is that when you get closer to speed of light, time frame slows down, so those little buddies would have negative time?

Cmd, where are you?


posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 07:07 AM
what does cmd mean? lol sry...

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 08:45 AM
Lets say Instine is right and we cant travel faster then light or even get to closly to that speed .Infinet mass humm wonders why the protron doesent have infinet mass and why we can see it moving if it sop to be froz in time??
Ok so now this is a naterial law right well What do we humans usaly do when we dont like a law ? BRAKE it . Bend space ? mabby worm hole? possibly some kind of star gate = bend space by the way who knows for sure . But even fort knox could be broken into with enough determantion and alkatraz WAS broken out of (the inexcaple prision HA someone did excape . So Make up all the laws you want soner or later if someoes realy determined we WILL brake it. It being the Light barrer . Back in the 40des is was called the sound barrer for a reasion . Impossible no way no how.
and the name stuck.

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 09:38 AM

closer you get to the speed of light the more mass you gain

Eienstein never said that he said that when u are traveling at the speed of light your mass becomes infinatly heavy not more mass

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 02:37 PM
o yeah and have you thought of wormholes they would be faster than light because it folds space time where as light goes in a near enough straight path if its not bouncing off things it also loses its strength

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by cheeser
what does cmd mean? lol sry...

cmd is short form for cmdrkid, he is real good with space stuff. I usually ask him for help regarding space and he usually gives me a pretty good answer.

Amantine is good with everything, in fact he/she is the Forum Subject matter specialist.


posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 04:47 PM
Those particles you speak of are called Tachyons. Scientist are still looking for proof that they are real or just a cool idea.

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Der Kapitan
Those particles you speak of are called Tachyons. Scientist are still looking for proof that they are real or just a cool idea.

Is this the one that come from the sun to Earth, and are real tough to find because very few actually reach Earth and those are real hard to find?

I thought we already have documented proof of these little things.


posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 05:01 PM
There was a study, that in a vacuum envirnment filled with radon gas was it, that light actually travels faster than it's standard speed. It hit it's end destination, before it left it's starting point. I may be mistaken on what gas was in the vaccuum. On that matter how in the heck do you have something with mass in a vaccuum.



posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 05:05 PM
It's been a while since I read anything on Tachyons, that last thing I saw was pretty much against them existing. As to their origin, I believe that they do not necessarily originate from "normal" stellar bodies such as our sun.

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by ADHDsux4me
There was a study, that in a vacuum envirnment filled with radon gas was it, that light actually travels faster than it's standard speed. It hit it's end destination, before it left it's starting point. I may be mistaken on what gas was in the vaccuum. On that matter how in the heck do you have something with mass in a vaccuum.

I don't understand, what has mass? The gas that was in there?

Well vacuum means without air, not without mass, if it is the other way around you can never achieve true vaccum, ever.


posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 07:36 PM

But even fort knox could be broken into with enough determantion

yeah, right! maybe with a nuke.

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 07:40 PM
For all your Faster than light traveling pleasure take a look here

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 07:40 PM
David Sereda presents his theory on faster than light travel in "evidence: a case for nasa ufo's". it is very compelling to me (not a scientist). check it out. its on also... scientists theorise there may be a particle called a tacheyon that goes a billion times the speed of light, but they dont have evidence for it, it is just predicted by some math calculations, much like the whole 11 dimension thing, i believe.

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 07:41 PM
[edit on 30-11-2004 by afklop]

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 08:39 PM
Tachyons are theoretical particles predicted by some of the earlier string theories - they live in a kind of paralell universe where you have a min. speed limit - the speed of light. Kind of a mirror world.

According to Einstein (actually, the Lorentz transformations...) you can't go faster the speed of light because in that case you'd see things before they occur, violating causality and a whole host of other things...
Only things with no rest mass, like the photon, and maybe the neutrino, can travel the speed of light. The interesting thing is that the photon, in its reference frame, sees itself as having mass, and so can interact with matter - knocking out electrons and such.

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 08:51 PM
Tachyons are theoretical particles predicted by some of the earlier string theories - they live in a kind of paralell universe where you have a min. speed limit - the speed of light. Kind of a mirror world.

According to Einstein (actually, the Lorentz transformations...) you can't go faster the speed of light because in that case you'd see things before they occur, violating causality and a whole host of other things...
Only things with no rest mass, like the photon, and maybe the neutrino, can travel the speed of light. The interesting thing is that the photon, in its reference frame, sees itself as having mass, and so can interact with matter - knocking out electrons and such.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 03:57 AM
ahhh, thanks for your post guys, some where helpful


posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 03:38 PM
At a time when String Theory was still weak, Tachyons were a requirement.

Don't misunderstand. I'm pretty sure that the Tachyon was a weakness of String Theory, not its brainchild.

String Theorists spent a lot of time trying to work Tachyons OUT of their equations. They wanted to modify the theory so it could do without their existence.

I'm pretty sure of this. I've read about it in numerous hard copy texts of String Theory and its history. I'm too tired right now to get a soft copy and link it, but I'm sure it's not too difficult.

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