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The new problem with UFOs

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posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 09:51 PM
I feel like the more time goes by the harder and harder it will be to prove UFOs exist.

I say this because our own technology is getting better and more alien by the day. Even the recent Mexico sighting through the infrared camera is rumored to be a secret U.S jet that has stealth ability.

I am afraid with all the new tech. it will be more difficult to distinguish short of them landing on the white house lawn.

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 11:31 PM
Not really. I see this more as a problem for our governments. They will have to one day come out and admit that UFOs are indeed real. At least their own. This will be somewhat problematic for them. Especially the United States, because the Air Force has repeatedly stated that UFOs, if they existed, were not their creation. After attempting to fully debunk the subject with Project Blue Book's conclusions, they will be hard pressed to come up with a good way to disclose their own projects without prompting further public investigation as a result of their own previous claims that UFOs were not real.

[edit on 29-11-2004 by Frith]

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 03:58 PM
Well they never have to come clean do they? I am talking about people like you and I it will be much harder to distinguish if it is govt. or not.

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 05:22 PM
Swordfish first of all you are speaking of our technology, this indicates that its it used for the benifit of the people.Its not, its their technology and they are using it for their own benifits.
Secondly is that they are taking every effort to keep the ufos from interfering in their business.They want to keep the status-quo and they will do anything to keep the ufo secret.
Only hope now is that Ets are fully aware of what is going on here and intervene before the people in power destroy our planet and its citizens.
If they are willing and capable of doing this still remains to be seen.
LetInsain much money is being pomped into black projects to counter this threat since bush is in office,money that comes from literally everywhere(us state,drugsmoney,secret investments etc.,technology patents)they are realling turning the heat on.

Lets hope the Ets still have the edge though....

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by swordfish
Well they never have to come clean do they? I am talking about people like you and I it will be much harder to distinguish if it is govt. or not.

Right. Thats still no issue. All we as civilians have to do is pursue this subject from the position of "Are any UFO sighitngs real?". We don't have to figure out if they're extraterrestrial or not. The issue of whether they are extraterrestrial or not will come later once our governments comes clean on this, if they ever come clean. Which I really doubt they will.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 10:30 AM
How are we spoussed to know if they're human or from another place?...the world may never know =) same with how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop...

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 01:47 PM


posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 04:01 PM
i think your right our technology i advancing to quickly and it would be impossible to see if aliens are aliens when there proberly jets its getting sad.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 04:20 PM
There are no UFO's

Since 1947 we have been deceived into thinking that there might be a such thing as a Alien. To date with all of the millions of photo's they cannot produce "ONE" that is "CLEAR"

That's "57" years and no proof, no new landings and no more alledged crashs, if ONE crashed, there would have at least been ONE more in 57 years.

If you say that their technology is so far advanced, then there would not have been the first alledged crash.

This is a deception if I have ever seen one.

What really crashed is a early attempt to make a round craft, but it is not "ALIEN"

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Lastday Prophet
There are no UFO's

Since 1947 we have been deceived into thinking that there might be a such thing as a Alien. To date with all of the millions of photo's they cannot produce "ONE" that is "CLEAR"

That's "57" years and no proof, no new landings and no more alledged crashs, if ONE crashed, there would have at least been ONE more in 57 years.

If you say that their technology is so far advanced, then there would not have been the first alledged crash.

This is a deception if I have ever seen one.

What really crashed is a early attempt to make a round craft, but it is not "ALIEN"

Are you just ignorant or what??
There is tons of info and pics on the web,some surely are hoaxes but there are also very genuine ones.millions and millions of people have seen ufos.Also very credible ones like the in army, airforce,navy,pilots of commercial airliners etc.etc.etc.
And many have seen these ufo up close doing the most bizar speeds and movements. i could go on and on..............

because you have ur head up ur ... doesnt mean the sun dont shine!

Please do yourself a favour and read some before you make these ridiculous statements.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 11:43 PM
Lastday Prophet you need to do more research. The military takes this stuff very seriously, yet poo poo's it on the surface. Read some books on the history of UFOs like Richard M Dolan's book: UFOs and the National Security State.

Try going to: and read up.

There is also the theory that the UFOs are blurry because of a field around the objects (some say it is plasma based). I think the lack of people having high speed film also plays a part, seeing how most objects in motion will blur when a picture is taken.

Unless you are Phil Klass, to discount so many UFO reports around the world and say aliens don't exist is not can question them, but to blanket statement that they don't exist is ignoring the facts.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 02:00 AM

Originally posted by swordfish
I feel like the more time goes by the harder and harder it will be to prove UFOs exist.

I say this because our own technology is getting better and more alien by the day. Even the recent Mexico sighting through the infrared camera is rumored to be a secret U.S jet that has stealth ability.

I am afraid with all the new tech. it will be more difficult to distinguish short of them landing on the white house lawn.

I can see what you mean, but I don't think it will be harder to prove UFO's exist. Eventually, spaceflight will be commercialized, and we will be colonizing our solar system. At this point, any efforts to maintain secrecy would be redundant, not to mention unnecessary. I think there is very good reason to believe that space is an interstellar highway and is teeming with alien races commuting about between planets. The sheer amount of sightings and experiences from public exposure to space, would make it extremely difficult to maintain the cover-up.

At this point a large percentage of our population would be under complete totaliterian state control, possibly linked to a hive-mind. There will be no point for any secrecy at this stage. I think even today, a good segment of the shadow government, sees no point either, and maybe opening up for disclosure.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 03:43 AM
Check out the following link on a community called TrueSky. They claim to poccess technology that seems far advanced than any UFO technology.

If what this community claims is true than I guess NASA has enough reasons to contact them.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by jackiechan
Check out the following link on a community called TrueSky. They claim to poccess technology that seems far advanced than any UFO technology.

If what this community claims is true than I guess NASA has enough reasons to contact them.

Something bizarre seems to be happening in India with regards to ET. Just a few weeks ago, I saw a few articles from another Indian media source, "indiadaily" claiming the Indian government has made official contact with aliens and all will be disclosed in 2012. Also claimed, was that India and China have been chosen by the aliens to lead the new age.

I wonder if there is somone here from India, who has any information on what is happening there.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 04:17 AM
IndiaDaily is a tabaloid whose articles are meant for breakfast humour and bedtime stories to kids.

I too have read this article and inquired with my Indian friends about this. There is no truth in any of these reports.

It absolutely hogwash.

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