posted on May, 22 2014 @ 06:12 AM
a reply to:
Well, online contact is much easier these days than ever before. You can video chat through a variety of services, all free. Phone calls and texts
are good as well, as long as you don't overdo it. If she's really interested, you should be able to schedule some times you can chat, online, via
the phone, or whatever. Letters are good, too. When I met my husband, I was in San Antonio, and he was in the DFW area. No computer or internet
options for us then, either. He wrote, though, and stayed in touch. If this is the real deal, you'd make ways to spend time "together" even if
long distance.
Be sure you know that you are both on the same page as well. Assuming you are, plan that May visit. If it's a serious thing, eventually, one of
you, or both, will have to move.
What not to do? Don't get worried if she can't answer right away, and be open and honest about how you each feel about the relationship. Don't
move too fast, though; women think "stalker" these days if a guy is too eager, even if they like the guy. Not always fair, but it happens.
Overall, don't worry too much. Relationships at that stage can be exciting, and also stressing. Just take it a ay at a time, and see what happens.