posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 11:12 PM
You want to survive after the Earth Cycle ends?
Stop calling it a Rapture and dont tell anyone you are religous at all and dont tell them you worked for the Government or any civic entity,dont tell
them if you worked for any Major corporation,and if your name is Rockefeller or Rothschild or any of the other 13 bloodlines.
You want to survive the end times?
Learn to tell the truth,the whole truth,and nothing but the truth and no god wont be there to help you,nor will laws be there to help you,only your
actions will define your fate,you will be 100% accountable for each and everything you say or do.
If you tell most survivors that you were connected to any of the influences which suppressed the knowledge of these coming changes which was given to
all of Humanity BY Humanity after the last Cycle ended 3594 years ago,you will likely be paying for the Sins of the Fathers in short order no matter
where you happen to end up post-event.
If you truly are fortunate and find yourself alive then your best bet it to become a Human being again and tell no lies,for they will get you
killed,and my friends the status quo of today which objectifies ideologys of dietys and gods will be a one way ticket to death or banishment which
will at that time be the same thing.
There will be no 5 billion strong Club to be part of to force your imaginary reality upon using numbers and fiscal and political power.
If you can find the time to pray post-event then you are as good as dead because no one will tolerate your lack of committment,no one will have time
to waste propogating or creating anything which detracts from Humanitys survival.
No one will punish you for your belief systems,they will punish you for spreading unreality and lies.There will be no room for lies
Every human life will be more valuable than diamonds or gold.
If you propogate any type of war or self-destructive mentality which could make Humanity extinct you will be discouraged with death.
If you try to tell anyone you have an imaginary friend called god or allah who has given you permission to execute and sacrifice Human beings when
their value is at an all time high,you will be silenced permanently.
If the majority of humanity is gone it will finally be possible to eliminate lies from religons and stop the objectification of ideologies which is
the process which catalyses Humanitys Global dischord today.
No one will have any problems with anyone elses belief systems as long as they are tangible and reality based.
But if you dare start making delusional comments about having invisible allys who give you permission to enslave and murder other people to preserve
that belief system,you will be released from your conflict ASAP.
If someone is creative they will set up a lethal God test and anyone who survives it with the help of their diety may carry on unimpeded. with the
ministry of their imaginary delusions.
If anyone thinks for a second that they will be simply given free will to propogate non-humanitarian belief systems I do not believe it will happen
that way, survival will be paramount and personal belief systems and the insistance to sacrifice even labor time to worship or support them will get
you killed.
No one will be willing to repeat old mistakes,and at the beginning of every Cycle religons are completely eliminated,and they must begin their
evolutions all over again with no guarantees of recovery.You see religons were not supposed to evolve the ways they have,knowledge was preserved
within secret powerfull societys and only released to specific groups at specific times,that knowledge was Humanitys greatest treasure as what
remnants we survive this Cycle with will once again become.As these groups tasked with the preservation of this knowledge bacame greater in number and
splintered geogrphiclly each group began to change adjust and evolve the knowledge and its meanings and its presentations.This is how we came to have
so many competing religons,at the core of all of their doctrines is a self-preservation codicile which allows them to kill humans to preserve an
objectified ideology.The killing to preserve rule WAS accepted by everyone post-event when Humanity was at its weakest numericlly,but the knowledge
was only suppossed to be preserved in secret protected until humaitys numbers recovered enough that we would be sure to not lose it all again.But you
see the kill to preserve rule was originally intended for those times and for the TANGIBLE HISTORY BOOKS....NEVER-EVER to preserve objectified diety
or god ideologys.Humanity NEVER ENDORSED KILLING FOR THINGS WHICH WERE NOT REALITY BASED.The knowledge originally collected and preserved and written
into our One true History was ALL TANGIBLE reality based and practical information,it was a history written by survivors in its truest form.
If you want to survive post-event you will be well advised to be seen holding a medical textbook or a Mechanical book rather than a fictional religous
Because knowledge will be power after the changes.
Fantasy and imaginary fairy tale books will not be worth anything.