posted on May, 17 2014 @ 11:42 AM
I can't speak to overall policy, but I can speak to my own habits as a Moderator. I applaud things that are above average for effort, courage in
making a point or taking a sincere stand or just putting that extra mile into tracking down a fact or detail no one else may have.
Every moderator has their own criteria for applauding folks, and personally? I consider it one of the more enjoyable sides of it. I love giving
On the practical side? Your Profile shows how many you've received and that was always something I looked at as a member when figuring out someone's
history and credibility. Not perfect...but it was one factor. I check that number now for other reasons in looking at the positives, when or if a
problem arises where that comes to matter.
So enjoy the applause!
* Oh... There is one benefit which isn't classified to mention. (smile) When you're applauded? Staff sees who receives it so we can all go see the
great post that earned it. (It's a fun thing for all of us on Staff) At the very least, it brings lots of positive attention that way.