posted on May, 16 2014 @ 07:33 AM
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If the Government presses charges, we need to demand Eric Holder lead the way and wear the handcuffs first. That sorry excuse for a human being
actually has the nerve to tell us which laws he will and will not CHOOSE to enforce based on his personal whims and sense of values, yet we hear one
bean counting functionary suggest CHARGING this man with a CRIME for serving his nation in one form or another his entire life??
They've released all manner of known criminal under the guise of "amnesty" under a different name to all KINDS of bad outcomes as they plow ahead
with plowing UNDER any concept of rule of law....and they suggest charging this man with a crime?!
We need the leadership people in this nation charged with MAJOR felonies before THIS man gets so much as a notice to appear for a traffic citation. I
don't live in America anymore. I live in some sick and twisted version of it in a parallel universe.