posted on Jun, 5 2014 @ 04:14 PM
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here are some tips that helped me
1. try diffrent materials besides paper and diffrent sizes.
2. hold the "umbrella" in your hand and feel yourself attaching to it
3. if you still cant then i would recomend lightly cheating. remove the bowl and make sure there is no air currents in the room and get your hands
really close.
4. if you still cant do it with the bowl removed and your fingertips millimeters away then try lightly flicking it and trick yourself into thinking
you actually are.
5. when concentrating it comes natural . it seems like your going crosseyed but thats actually your third eye. i can tell im in this mode if i cam
stare at something so long everything else is blurry.
remember it takes alot of energy to move objects but very little energy to change reality