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Pregnant Woman Sentanced to Death in Sudan.

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posted on May, 15 2014 @ 03:55 PM

A pregnant woman has been sentenced to be hanged by a Sudanese court for converting to Christianity.

Mariam Yahya Ibrahim, 27, who is being held in detention with her 20-month-old son, had been ordered to abandon her faith and return to Islam. She has also been charged with adultery for marrying a Christian man.

The death sentence was handed down despite appeals by Western embassies for compassion and respect for religious freedom. At a court in Khartoum, Judge Abbas al Khalifa said: "We gave you three days to recant but you insist on not returning to Islam. I sentence you to be hanged."

He also sentenced her to 100 lashes for "adultery".

Sky News

Words fail me!

A death sentence for a woman who converts from Islam to Christianity and on top of that gets 100 lashes because marrying a Christian seems to qualify as "Adultery" under this barbaric and twisted interpretation of religion. This is a perversion of the Islamic faith, it is a evil and disturbed abomination that has no regard for the value of all human life and the basic human rights all of us deserve. This is not about religion this is a about a disgusting dictatorship forcing the twisted theology onto the people which it subjects to the most horrendous interpretation of "justice".

Something has to be done about this, Any country that is still providing any kind of support to the Sudanese Government should stop now until they vow to abolish this woman's "crimes" and put in steps to ensure the most basic of human rights are defended.
edit on 15-5-2014 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2014 @ 03:58 PM
Yea no kidding, I totally agree with your post.

My god, a pregnant woman? So in essence, that "judge" is essentially sentencing two lives to death?

So the common people around their are just going to go on about their business? no riots, no heroics, nobody to stand up for her? pathetic.

posted on May, 15 2014 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: Arnie123

I totally agree with you but i should have said that according to other news sources this woman is 6 months pregnant and will be hanged after she has given birth.

I don't think that really makes any difference however, the very fact that Apostasy is still a crime in the 21st Century is unbelievable.

posted on May, 15 2014 @ 04:05 PM
Just wow. How can this happen in the modern world. We will let individuals be killed over something that makes no sense, yet we will fund terrorists and start wars over oil.

Not saying we should step in, but this is something at least the majority of the nation would stand behind.

Note, I am not christian, and if this was in the opposite direction (Christians doing the sentencing) I would feel the same.

posted on May, 15 2014 @ 04:17 PM

originally posted by: andr3w68
How can this happen in the modern world.

Sadly, there are some countries who have not strayed into the modern world.

Sharia law is medieval. This is one extreme, the other is stoning gays to death and cutting the hands off a thief. Life for women in Muslim dominated countries ranges from pretty poor to just vile. In some countries men just like abusing women and have God on their side!


posted on May, 15 2014 @ 04:22 PM
I saw the story earlier and brought tears to my eyes, a mother and a child wont get to know hapiness together.

posted on May, 15 2014 @ 04:24 PM

At least they are waiting till after she gives birth to kill her...

Theres that...

posted on May, 15 2014 @ 06:03 PM
Words fail me, absolutely disgusting, and some people argue that islam is a peaceful religion. Should be treated as a cult.

posted on May, 15 2014 @ 06:35 PM
Yes, yes, Islam is so loving and protective of the Muslim people...unless you cross it, then you die.

Tell me again how peaceful and loving Muslim's are...better yet tell me how one does not become an islamophobe after reading this sort of insanity.

Yah, I know, all Muslims are not like this, I guarantee if a Muslim speaks out about how wrong this is they will be next, but it makes them equal to or worse then the one's doing the killing.

posted on May, 15 2014 @ 06:36 PM
Barbarism is alive and well in our world.

Sad, sad state of affairs.

You know, this is the kind of thing that demands responses from world leaders. If we pushed people on social issues instead of economic ones like we do now, I think we'd be in a much better place.


posted on May, 15 2014 @ 07:38 PM
Surprising that none of the posters from threads about Russia, Iran, and Nigeria aren't visiting and insisting that people be allowed to run their country however they want. I don't want to bait, but I struggle to see the difference.

There was at least a small protest against this though, and the protest in favor was smaller still which is somewhat reassuring. It is sad because last year it appeared like things might get better after the new constitution.

posted on May, 15 2014 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: OtherSideOfTheCoin

I just read an article from CSM about this...Barbaric and senseless. I hope that she is able to be freed, or at least not killed. A child, especially an infant, needs their mother.

While things aren't that great here in the USA, they certainly aren't anywhere near this bad. Really puts things into perspective, for me anyway.

posted on May, 15 2014 @ 09:53 PM
This shouldn't happen anywhere in the world. Such animals. I hope she can get free for the sake of her baby. And who could lash a pregnant woman? Lets send in seal team 6...oh that's right, they were all murdered.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 05:25 PM

originally posted by: Fylgje
And who could lash a pregnant woman?

I don't think she is seen by the ignorant as pregnant per se. She's a woman and (God forbid) she's a doctor, therefore educated. If there is one thing these nut-job Islamic fascists hate is an educated woman.


posted on May, 16 2014 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: OtherSideOfTheCoin

Any country that is still providing any kind of support to the Sudanese Government should stop now until they vow to abolish this woman's "crimes" and put in steps to ensure the most basic of human rights are defended.

Yeah that, and until they vow to grab this corrupt murderer of a 'judge' and string him up by his nuts.

Did we timewarp back into the dark ages or something..i didn't notice.

posted on May, 17 2014 @ 02:27 AM
Very strange how if it was the other way round the world community would be sending troops in lmao.


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