a reply to:
Xeven First, let me say I'm retired 20+ year Air Force vet with a relatively minor disability. l use my local
Omaha, NE VA hospital even though I'm on TriCare for Life, or as I call it, Try-To-Get-Care.
In general I agree with you. However, considering that the current fascist/socialistic government bureaucracy is bent on taking over one-sixth of our
economy by controlling the healthcare system, I have to wonder if it'd wind up any better than the currently government run healthcare systems.
Lest I be misunderstood, let me offer a definition of fascism I found on the Internet. Fascism is an economic model in which the state dictates the
utilization of privately held assets to achieve public policy goals. I'm specifically not inferring the sound of jack boots in the streets as in
1930-40s Germany.
Sadly, my local military hospital is merely an acute care facility for dependents and retirees despite being at Strategic Command, Offutt AFB, a major
command base. My base primary doctor recommended I switch to the VA as it was better staffed and equipped.
The main problem with TriCare is that many civilian doctors won't accept patients because of the lower reimbursements and the absolutely abysmal
bureaucratic delay, intentional, to delay payment or even incorrectly or illegally deny them. It's similar to the problems with Medicaid and
It's even worse for TriCare Prime beneficiaries at military hospitals. My ex-wife, still my better half, was told at an emergency room she wasn't
qualified to be on TriCare despite 20+ years of marriage spanning beyond my Air Force career. My daughter was turned away for a heart problem and they
tried to steal her military dependent ID card. My younger son was turned away from a base emergency room after he was mugged and suffered a non life
threatening stab wound.
Despite all of the above, I fortunately find my local VA to be good, although I don't see my primary doc as much as I'd like. But I do go to a
civilian cardiologist due to a heart attack. However, I'd warn civilians, if you think the goal of the progressives of a single payer government
healthcare system is a good idea, look at the TriCare and the VA troubled systems. They're good examples of government inefficiencies and
bureaucracies. Then pray you're in good health.