posted on May, 15 2014 @ 10:55 PM
originally posted by: seasoul
"Got Privilege?"
Look at all these white men wearing black-face mocking their slaves!
. . . /sarcasm
This whole movement is going to get absolutely insane as universities continue to rake in the cash. The ivory towers of academia rarely have the real
world experience of being responsible for providing for themselves, and so fantasies like this can gain momentum.
I had to audit an English course this semester and the final paper was about feminism and privilege, which most of the men in the class were failed
on. We took it to the dean of the program who the gall to tell me that I couldn't understand as I am a white male majoring in STEM ( apparently
notorious territory of the white overlords). To which I informed him of my previous field of business and consumer behavior (psychology) which
combined are dominated by women . . . . oh and the threat of an alumni suing the university, which cleared things up quickly.
These folks don't live in the real world where you work with and for people of all sexes and genders every day.