posted on May, 14 2014 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to:
When congress no longer has the power to take people's money without their permission (a process called stealing) then things can start to get better.
Until then America is definitely doomed. People's fundamental mistake is to think its okay for congress to do things nobody else is allowed to do or
they'd immediately go to jail. When congress lies, cheats, steals, kills, or whatever their punishment is, by design, exactly zero. And this is just a
wonderful idea to 90%+ of people who all can't figure out why the world is chock full of nothing but problems.
First voters remove their personal responsibility for their crimes under the voting process. Then their minions called politicians grant them self
political immunity after taking office so they can get away with any crime in the books. Lying becomes "national security". Cheating and stealing
becomes "taxes". Murder becomes "a pre-emptive strike". Evil becomes "greater good". Voters who vote in people who then commit what is a crime for
normal people should go to jail with the congress people who they voted in. The tyrannical majority is responsible for what congress does.
Why are individuals voting in people who waste money flying first class? That is the real problem.
edit on 14-5-2014 by wayforward because: (no
reason given)