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The Topography of Tears

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posted on May, 14 2014 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: Bybyots

Maybe it's just me, but why is it that when we zoom in on the world around us, it looks like it was designed by a computer?
edit on 14-5-2014 by Chronon because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2014 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: Bybyots

Someone said emotions in water was debunked but I have Masaru Emoto's book and found it very interesting. I think it's worth a look in reference with this topic. It is amazing how the word evil effects water, the water has been distilled twice frozen then photographed.
edit on 14-5-2014 by MarlinGrace because: added link

posted on May, 14 2014 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: abeverage

I am not seeing any science here...

Hey Abe,

There's not much, right? Presently I think that Fisher and Emoto's work must be taken as highly evocative art. Probably the best take away that I can think of for the thread at the moment is the stuff about cortisol and how crying has such wide ranging health benefits.

Otherwise, I am really intrigued by this quote from member Shadow Herder's thread on the same subject...

I can predict that within 100 years there will be technology that will analyze saliva and tears which could reveal ones mood, health, or reveal deep consciousness.

There is a reason why nature does this. This reason is unknown to us.

-Shadow Herder

If I may say so it makes me think of what I said here...


I think that we are seeing in these sorts of images some indication of the means by which we will better understand ourselves in the future; as emotional beings.

It seems to me that as our understanding of the medicine of the heart develops, images like these will become more meaningful to us as recurring motifs in everything that we influence, not just water.

I think it's interesting that we both semed to intuit the same thing after spending time looking at the images, but hey, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder".

I don't know, it's like the rudiments of some imporatnt information is in the tears, or maybe our eyes.

Looking At Tears Under A Microscope Reveals A Shocking Fact.

posted on May, 14 2014 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

I have Sjogrens . It makes crying difficult, if not impossible. The body can't do it. There are times I have really wanted to cry and I knew crying would make me feel better ... but I can't. So for those of you who can cry ... 'enjoy' it.

Thanks FlyersFan,

I really appreciate you sharing that about yourself here. Prithee, I mean no offense, but having you here, a person that cannot cry on the thread about crying has indeed made this the gothest thread; so far. I have a feeling it's about to get gother around here.

posted on May, 14 2014 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: Bybyots

That is very interesting...odd how the tears of grief are so empty and with sharp corners while those of laughter are bubbly almost. Remembering has an element of grief with the straight edges and I can understand that because moments remembered are moments also forever lost to time.

I was always a crier when growing up, anything could set it off and I couldn't stop. I grew up and went through a very stressful time at an office job I had and something broke inside me, I think. I don't cry anymore. I lost my dear mother a couple of years ago and it was the worst thing that could have ever happened. I cried at the viewing but aside from a few times while dealing with her things I haven't cried as much as I thought I would. I just lost a dear kitty I had for 15 years and while he was declining fast all I could think of was - don't suffer. Go quick. I cried for a minute and that was it - when it happened and thankfully it was quick. Sometimes I wish I could just have a good cry and get it all out but there's a block. I was briefly on anti-depressants when I was dealing with the office stuff...Sometimes I wonder if that could have messed up my wiring - but that was ten years ago. I feel like I'm stuck in neutral - can't get too happy or too sad.

posted on May, 14 2014 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: Bybyots

Old goth is the best goth...I remember buying that single back in the 80's. I may still have it stashed away with The Damned, Lords of the New Church, Cure and Siouxsie albums...

posted on May, 14 2014 @ 06:12 PM
Very cool. It also makes sense:

All tears contain a variety of biological substances (including oils, antibodies and enzymes) suspended in salt water, but as Fisher saw, tears from each of the different categories include distinct molecules as well. Emotional tears, for instance, have been found to contain protein-based hormones including the neurotransmitter leucine enkephalin, a natural painkiller that is released when the body is under stress.


So each tear is unique depending on your emotional and physical state. I too would like to see a cross-comparison between different people's tears to see if a pattern emerges.

It also reminded me of a Star Trek episode. Don't touch her tears! Of course Kirk has to touch them.

Elasian tears, secreted by Elasian females, contained a biochemical compound transmittable to Elasian (and Human) males. Upon skin contact, men became romantically infatuated and somewhat enthralled to the woman who infected them.

Memory Alpha

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