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What We Need Today

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posted on May, 8 2014 @ 08:37 PM
I have a dream that…No! Not a dream - a nightmare.

I have a nightmare that America is a monster - a tyranny - because She does not listen to the teachings of her Founding Fathers.

George Washington once said, “If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” I have a nightmare that we have to second-guess everything we say because the thought police are constantly monitoring us. Big Brother is even listening to our whispers that Bill Clinton can’t even get a blow job.

James Madison once admonished in the Federalist #10, “The public good is disregarded in the conflicts of rival political parties.” I have a nightmare that we have a two-party system. On the one side, we have the donkeys who call themselves Democrats. On the other side, we have the elephants who call themselves Republicans. And scattered all over this Animal Farm are the rabbits, cows, goats, and sheep. And all these farm animals just bicker and whine over petty squabbles and foolish pranks truly disregarding our own good.

Just this week, we’re arguing over birth control once again. Really?! Birth control?! Let’s not talk about all the innocent women and children we’re blowing up all around the world. Let’s not talk about how our lifestyle of pollution is destroying our world, sinking the island nations of Kiribati and Maldives, that will forever be lost to the seas like the city of Atlantis. No, and we definitely won’t talk about: disease, poverty, animal suffering, human welfare, our injustice system, our failing education, our crippling infrastructure. No, none of that here in America. We have far more important things to discuss. Contraceptives! But my god says it’s immoral. Yeah, and your god also says that you should love your neighbor, but I don’t see you doing that.

And one day, when the next 9/11 happens, or the dollar collapses, or the world breaks out in war, we’re going to wake up from this voodoo, and we’re going to ask ourselves, “What has happened to our health, our wealth, and our children’s commonwealth - or unhealth (that is, your child is dead or crippled because of a senseless war)?”

I ask, “Is this the society that you really want to live in?”

And let’s not forget about Big Brother’s newest magic trick. It goes a little like this. “Now you see the Constitution, and now you don’t!”

Today, our freedom has become just that - an illusion. Do not be fooled that the few dollars you can earn in return raises you above the status of mindless slave.

“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” A famous and well-said quote by Patrick Henry. Impressive, right? No. It’s disgraceful. Appalling! I ask you, “Why should any American be quoting our Founding Fathers in 21st-century America?”

And, worst of all, you could literally replace Great Britain with the United States of America in our Declaration of Independence, and we would be well on our way to American Revolution II. But as George Bernard Shaw wisely puts it, “Revolutions have never lightened our burden of tyranny: they have only shifted it to another shoulder.”

What I am proposing, then, is that we form a new political party that will respect the public good.

We do not need another political party of fancy rhetoric and empty promises. Just look at all that hogwash then-Senator Obama gave us about “change.” Well, Mr. President, if by change you mean the change that I give to bums, then yes, I would say you have lived up to your campaign promise. As Martin Luther King Jr. would say, We the People have come to cash the check of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and what does President Obama give us? – mere change!

What we need today is a political party that will serve We the People, giving a voice to all of us, from the bottom-up, not top-down. Why should the rich and the elite come first? They already have all that they need. We should be out there helping the poor and the homeless. As Langston Hughes, the prominent Harlem Renaissance poet once quipped, they, “too,” are America.

We do not need another political party that wipes its ass with our Constitution. Just look at the perversions of our own Congress. The late Congressman Henry Hyde called the Constitution “anachronistic,” and Senator Jeff Sessions went on record to say that he doesn’t even consider the Constitution. These are the people you elect! But the saddest truth of all, they wouldn’t be wrong. Today, we have what you would call the “living” Constitution. Well, I hate to break it to you, but a “living” Constitution is a dead Constitution.

What we need today is a political party that will stand up for the Bill of Rights. The Tenth Amendment prohibits the Constitution from ever becoming “alive,” but they don’t teach us this in school. No, they keep us ignorant so that they can control us, like slaves!

We do not need another political party that only cares about today and their lust for power. As President Obama's former Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner said during the 2011 debt crisis, "Do not worry about raising the debt ceiling, as the Bible says, 'tomorrow will worry about itself.'"

What we need today is a political party that will think about tomorrow and consider our actions seven generations down. Imagine, if we had done this in the 1930s, even just one generation down, we wouldn’t find ourselves in the Social Security fiasco that we are in today.

We do not need another political party of mystery and secrets, allowing corruption and an underworld government to exist --accountable to no one.

What we need today is a political party of truth and honor, that will bring us an open and transparent government --accountable to We the People.

What we need today is a political party of the People, by the People, for the People.

What we need today is a political party that will ring the liberty bell for all the world to hear

I have formed such a political party, and I call it the New Libertarian Party.
And even though Gandhi would call us a minority of one, he would also say, the truth is the truth.

I have a dream that We the People will not stand alone.
I have a dream that You the People will walk with us.
Eleven score and seventeen years ago, WE had a dream that all humans are created equal.
I have that dream today.

But what we need today is a new political party! So form one!

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 09:13 PM
I see no salvation in politics, regardless of the party. Learn to love your neighbor and keep your head low until the smoke clears.

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 09:39 PM
Isn't it interesting that we are so fearful of facing the pains required to achieve Liberty, while our current political construct is already the sum of all those fears?

Analogous to killing ourselves because we're terrified of dying.

posted on May, 13 2014 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: METACOMET

Isn't it interesting that we are so fearful of facing the pains required to achieve Liberty, while our current political construct is already the sum of all those fears?

Analogous to killing ourselves because we're terrified of dying.

I couldn't have put it better myself. Are there no TRUE Americans left? The "Tea Party" is a sheer disgrace to the very image of the "Tea Party." Samuel Adams would be rolling in his grave. The Tea Party disgusts me, and all of their members should be thrown into the ocean to drown. Disgraceful.

But gotta love the Americans...

"When People fear the government, there is tyranny; when government fears the People, there is Liberty." --Thomas Jefferson.

Continue to live in your fear, and play your two-party broken system, if that's what makes you feel good.

posted on May, 13 2014 @ 11:55 PM

originally posted by: iosolomon

Continue to live in your fear, and play your two-party broken system, if that's what makes you feel good.

It does make people feel good. It's all about feelings. Mostly fear, as you point out. The system lays out the positive feedback loops we may choose to plug into, and then once plugged in we're told exactly what we want to hear; ready to defend it to the death.

In the end we find that, although we might not have the government that we want, we have the government we deserve. Oh well, right?

And now that the legislators and do-gooders have futilely inflicted so many systems upon society, may they finally end where they should have begun: May they reject all systems. And try liberty.
– Frederic Bastiat, 1850

edit on 5/14/2014 by METACOMET because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2014 @ 12:29 AM
a reply to: METACOMET

In the end we find that, although we might not have the government that we want, we have the government we deserve. Oh well, right?

I did not get to choose which government was already pretty much a fully constructed police / surveillance state from the time I was born. We can choose to walk away at this point since the people of the world are awakening to our inherent abilities to self organize without need for some central planning control source telling us how to operate our lives.

Walk away if you want a better society. Self organize with like minds. Make your food as much as you can and you can plan at least not to suffer artificial scarcity as a primary source of control by central governments. You can not change the core of the operating system of government. It is a self correcting device owned outright by the established order. You can not change its course since there are no levers of such power at the street level where most of us live. It will continue on its path to control and domination of the human resources presently under its control.

posted on May, 14 2014 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: METACOMET

It does make people feel good. It's all about feelings. Mostly fear, as you point out.

Heh. How you worded it here, this reminds me of Edmund Burke. And seeing that you dropped some candle boy (lol Frederic Bastiat), you might appreciate the Edmund Burke:

"WHATEVER is fitted in any sort to excite the ideas of pain and danger, that is to say, whatever is in any sort terrible, or is conversant about terrible objects, or operates in a manner analogous to terror, is a source of the sublime; that is, it is productive of the strongest emotion which the mind is capable of feeling."

Sublime is good. Sublime is very good. As Senator Jeff Sessions would say, "We should all send Big Brother a letter thanking him for our sublime."

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