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100+ whales, dolphins die in Australia beachings

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posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 10:08 AM
wang, Very interesting last statement, Don't look past what might be reality....
But again, It might be a pending earth shift... or a suicide mission on behalf of marine life...
Were to busy with all other world events to see things differently, when we should. this is one of those moments... it will be forgotten within a week I guess. But the long term affects will be life long for our Eco-Systems.

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 10:25 AM
Its called evolution. The whales and dolphins are trying to evolve into land creatures. Is not it obvious?

Seriously, I think it has to do with the tsunami, not military/oil seismic testing, and not sonar. But then again, I could be working for the government. But if I was working for the government, then I guess I wouldn't be as obvious to say I could be working for the government. Hmm...

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by boren
I think it has to do with the tsunami, not military/oil seismic testing, and not sonar.

Could they really tell a Tsunami was coming almost a month ahead of time?
It's an interesting theory but I'm not sure why they didn't just swim away out of the danger of the Tsunami instead of swimming toward land.

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 02:44 PM

by Boren
Seriously, I think it has to do with the tsunami, not military/oil seismic testing, and not sonar. But then again, I could be working for the government. But if I was working for the government, then I guess I wouldn't be as obvious to say I could be working for the government. Hmm...

Boren, I disagree with you. I think it is the military sonar weapons. After the tsunami I started researching the possibilities of it being man-made. On the 15th when the whales beached themselves in Noth Carolina, I felt the military/Navy was involved. I also noticed on past beachings that quakes seemed to happen 3 days or so after, so I was expecting a quake in the atlantic ocean fault line, on the 18th and there was 2 quakes.

18-JAN-2005 06:59:03 57.09 -33.73 5.6 10.0 NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN
18-JAN-2005 05:50:38 57.01 -33.93 4.9 10.0 NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN

I'm expecting another quake on the 24th south of the last 2, it may be way south. There was also a report of Military in the area of the NC beaching.

From what I understand they shoot a electromagnetic wave from a submarine or ship up to a satellite or the sky where it bounces back down to earth. Then they can either heat up or cool down any point around the world. In the case of an earthquake they would heat it up. They would have to direct the waves to a fault line, either directly where they want a quake or on the opposite side of the fault line.

Before the 9.0 quake/tsunami on the opposite side of the fault line, there were dolphin and whale beachings and a large 8.1 quake, 800km off the coast of Tasmania, Australian which may have been the trigger.

More beached whales in North Carolina, these beachings are related to the military's sonar and that may be connected to these quakes. HAARP?
At Least 22 Pilot Whales Beach in N.C. - Saturday the 15th.

Look what was in the area around the time the whales beached themselves. Hmmmm electromagnetic waves?
U.S.S. Teddy Roosevelt, has been doing military maneuvers in this area for several days. The battle group is usually composed of an Aircraft Carrier, Destroyer Guided-missile cruisers USS Anzio (CG 68) and USS Cape St. George (CG 71), guided guided-missile destroyers USS Arleigh Burke (DDG 51), USS Porter (DDG 78) and USS Winston Churchill (DDG 81); destroyer USS Stump (DD 978); guided-missile frigate USS Carr (FFG 52); fast combat support ship USNS Arctic (T-AOE 8); and two attack submarines. It is not known for sure at this time if the military ships in the area had an affect on the whales that would have driven them to shore.

My Tsunami thread

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 03:18 PM
I think it's very feasible that Sonar testing is driving these whales and dolphins to beach them selves.

According to the Australian Conservation Foundation, these 200dB ? 230dB shots from the airguns are fired every 10 seconds or so, from 10 meters below the surface, 24 hours a day, for 2 week periods of time, weather permitting.
The impulses created by the release of air from arrays of up to 24 airguns create low frequency sound waves powerful enough to penetrate up to 40km below the seafloor. The ?source level" of these sound waves is generally over 200dB (and often 230dB or more), roughly comparable to a sound of at least 140-170dB in air.

Source: The Acoustic Ecology Institute
Seismic surveys utilize airguns to produce explosive impulses of sound directed toward the ocean bottom. Echoes produced by these impulses are used to gather information on sub-surface geological features; this information is used by academic geologists and the oil and gas industry. Both researchers and the public have become concerned about ways that sounds created by the airguns may impact ocean creatures; while it is generally believed that the risk of physiological damage is low, there are many uncertainties in our understanding of both sound propagation and biological effects. In addition, the complexities of acoustics science and inconsistent measuring systems used within the research community have made it difficult for non-scientists to communicate their concerns in an informed way. Here we provide a primer for the non-scientist on current knowledge about airguns, propagation of their sounds over distance, and acoustic sensitivity of ocean dwelling creatures; a discussion of the need for a precautionary approach to regulation of anthropogenic sound in the seas; and a series of suggested mitigations and research programs to be undertaken in consort with future seismic surveys. Link

Source: Australian Conservation Foundation

Ocean based seismic testing is not the innocuous tapping on the ocean floor that many in government and the oil industry would like us to believe. It is extremely loud. Sound is communication, navigation, echo location, food finder and defence system for many marine creatures. Any damage could be fatal. Despite this, seismic testing is virtually unregulated.

Source: Australian Conservation Foundation
Given its very intrusive and deafening nature, if seismic testing were conducted on land it would attract considerable attention from planning bodies and be subject to strict regulatory controls.
At sea, this work is only guided by departmental policy guidelines (not regulations) in spite of emerging evidence that it is considerably more damaging to marine biodiversity than previously thought. When oil and gas exploration companies agree to meet the guidelines, seismic testing avoids most Commonwealth environmental controls and assessment procedures.

Additional Information:

Pod of 20 Whales Beached on Remote Australia Coast Tue Dec 28, 4:36 AM ET

Mystery of mass whale beachings in Tasmania

Mystery of mass whale, dolphin beachings in Tasmania

Description of operations of Seismic Airguns

Ecosystem: Low Frequency Active Sonar

Geoscience Australia

Living Oceans Society - Oil and Gas

Earthquake: Coincidence or a Corporate Oil Tragedy?

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 11:11 PM
A new whale beacing! West Australia.
This can´t be good...

The Australian: Fight on to save stranded whales

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 11:25 PM
Right – this isn’t good. I do think however that this has something to do with deep-sea earthquake activity. Although I wouldn’t totally rule our sonar testing, there does appear to be some connection (at least timing wise) with earthquakes and beachings.

Then again if whales are truly alien in nature perhaps they are just shedding their bodies and going home.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 11:22 PM

Reuters: Mass whale stranding at two Australian beaches

Jun 2, 2005

Up to 160 whales became stranded on two beaches on Australia's southwest coast Thursday after two pods beached themselves.
The false killer whales, most between four and five meters (13 to 16 feet) long, beached themselves near the coastal town of Busselton, 200km (125 miles) south of the western city of Perth.

"They are very large animals and are hard to move," said veterinarian Phil Rapton, as hundreds of rescuers tried desperately to push the whales back into the ocean.

"We are just waiting for heavy machinery to arrive to try and move them," Rapton told local media.

The Western Australian state Department of Conservation and Land Management (CALM) said none of the whales had died, but some were "copping a battering."

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 08:27 AM
What about oceanic temperatures? Admittedly, I'm no marine biologist, but could changes in the ocean itself be causing these recent beachings? Sonar is a likely candidate, but we have to look at all possibilities, right?


posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 08:41 AM
I guess whales are navigating through their ways by magnetic field in some way. and the magnetic field of earth naturallly shifts as far as I know.

note that in this last incident only one whale has died yet, and others are waiting and taken care of while they gather their strength.

posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 09:06 PM
Do whales and dolphins live forever? Of course not. I really think this is a natural part of nature. You can blame humans, but humans are a part of nature so whatever we do as humans is natural.

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 01:39 AM
This doesn't really sound natural. Just doesn't seem right to have over a 100 whales come up to the shore. I'm not ready to stamp "normal" on this.


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