posted on May, 6 2014 @ 08:20 PM
originally posted by: LABTECH767
a reply to: Logiciel
Well our sun is not that unique
Being pedantic here, if you consider that it is in the top 5% of all stars by numbers for its size and luminosity, it isn't exactly 'normal'.
It is a single star - no gravitational binding to other stars... this is about a 50:50 thing
It has high atmospheric metallicity compared to others around it.
It is White hot as opposed to red like the rest of the 95%
Basically, you need to slap anyone who does the whole "Oh the sun isnt special" because it isn't exactly 'Mr normal" either.
A high energy jet or radio burst? it would likely not do all that much once you get out at that kind of distance scale the energy density will be
fairly low. More concerning would be a gamma ray burst or a supernova going off next door. This would give you a nice radiation bake. the energy
release can be enormous though as pointed out. Feeding matter into a black hole in terms of heating and generation of high intensity radiation is one
of the most efficient methods of doing such a thing. But the 1/r^2 law here is a cruel mistress.