posted on May, 12 2014 @ 05:43 PM
So, it's been easy for me to follow the line-of-thinking that Google may have had evil intent all-along....that it had this master plan of
data-mining/spying - and pulled the wool over our eyes as it carefully crafted a certain innocuous image and gained our trust. But the first posts of
this thread seemed to hint at a different possibility - something that may have crossed my mind at some point, but I haven't spent much time
considering because when you are dealing with a sinister reality such as this - you tend to think that the most sinister path was taken to achieve a
sinister result. But, what if Google started out having honest, "noble" intentions - but at some point, needed/requested help from the highest levels
of national security in order to ward off potential attackers? In exchange for that help, Big Bad Agency (NSA and/or others) proposed a deal: we
keep you safe from the most skilled hackers - allowing you to protect your cash cow - and you become a portal for us to spy on whomever we want. We
will even "endorse" you to such a degree that you will achieve a certain oligarchic status. The dynamic may be analogous to someone who seeks
protection from a gang leader; that person may become beholden to the gang leader for certain things.
Obviously, the partnership is working splendidly; it's worked so well that people have wondered if Google
is the NSA. At the very least, there
seems to be a huge overlap between the two organizations. But how, exactly, did this overlap occur? To what extent did Google push for this NSA-like
status? At some point, decisions were made that showed a sociopathic disregard for people's rights to privacy - but exactly when and how did this
start happening?
edit on 12-5-2014 by digestiveupset because: because I felt like it