posted on May, 26 2003 @ 08:42 PM
"That to me is a hypocrisy. So is the fact that a Doctor can't approve the deathwish of the suffering. We can put down our cats, but not
ourselves??? "
I suppose the main reason this sanction is against doctors is because of the phrase, "Primum non nocere", above all, do no harm. This is part of an
ethical obligation that keeps doctors honest and well-intentioned. I suppose the reason for the legal thing is because what if it were legal? Look
at how F*ed up our health care system is, in America. After awhile, the insurance companies would start suggesting it as a viable option very early
on- because it saves them money that way, in the long run. Large sums of money.
Advanced stage AIDS? Euth. Alzheimer's? Euth. Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, Severe? Euth.
When you start talking about taking people's lives as a medical treatment-- even if it is sanctioned and regulated, and at the people's own consent
or directive-- you are getting into a slippery slope argument.
I view it as allowing the drug companies to make more money... who do you think will manufacture the prescription?
Personally, I'm all for someone's advance directive to be carried out... that is their decision, and I would be their employee, respecting their
wish. The unfortunate problem is that alot of folks out there aren't as well-intentioned.
Just my thoughts, not trying to convince anyone of anything.