I found this News article on a local website here in South Africa explaining the findings of a Lady who discovered this "creature" on a coast line
near De Kelder beach in the Western Cape. De Kelder beach is near the Koeberg Nuclear Power Station. I am in no ways saying that this was created due
to mutation to exposure to nuclear power but until this specimen is properly identified we will never know.
According to local scientists it could be said to be this
I thought this was interesting and worth the share.
That is disturbing! No way would I be getting in the water after seeing that on the beach. Wouldn't there be more if it was a mutation from exposure
to radiation though? Until there are more found I would go with the speculation that the article offers, and say it may just be in some stage of
decomposition..whatever it is.
Sorry, that is a photo shopped image, that has been circulating the internet for nearly 4 years. I have seen this image dozens of times. This has just
been cut and pasted to her face book account from Another scource.
Not that I know of from memory, Just stumbled across it several times over the years.However, I suspect it may have even been here on ATS, once or
It's a klipsuier (rocksucker), there are many down here.
You see them around harbor walls a lot.
They use there big teeth to scrape mollusks of the rocks.