posted on May, 26 2003 @ 12:53 PM
Very interesting. I bet some'll shout again. But who mind ?
" Anyone who lives in the affluent modern technological democracies is flooded with information. Scientific research doubles the amount of knowledge
available to mankind every couple of years. Most of us are also generating the information of opinion and perspective - this article, for example - on
a regular basis. If market principles of competition which improve the quality of consumer products worked as well in the area of general knowledge,
then people would become increasingly well informed about our world.
Conservatives know this is not the trend. The statistical refinement that Adam Smith�s invisible hand predicted for the various types of human markets
is not working quite right in the area of general knowledge. Why? Entrenched liberals in taxpayer supported institutions, in government regulated
industries, or in government agencies dependent upon unsolvable "social problems" have systematically kept the people misinformed.
The left seldom relies upon outright lies to maintain its grip on public consciousness. This is not because the left believes lying is wrong: few
leftists believe in "objective truth." It was, after all, radical leftists like Hitler and Goebbels who proclaimed "The Big Lie," Bolsheviks like
Lenin who embraced any tactic (including lying) to advance Marxism, and Bill Clinton who looked into the television camera - and the American people
in the eye - and denied his relationship with Monica Lewinsky. "