a reply to:
Well, that's interesting! I don't know of layout is a factor or not, but it 's interesting that you lived in a place where it was similar, and had
experiences there. The conversation part, as opposed to play, is very odd as well. I'd be very curious as to what those conversations were about.
Does your mother have any recollection of any of that? Even a little piece might serve to jog your memory. The comment on that song is a bit creepy.
As a child, I heard it a bit, and it was sad, and sort of weird in some way I can't define. recalling it now, I do get the idea there is some
underlying meaning to it, though I can't say what that is. Some songs are like that.
House layout, if it is a factor, isn't limited to that sort, though. An uncle of mine had a "ghost" for years, that seemed to follow them. When
he and my aunt were starting out, there was a time they were very short on money, and weren't sure how they would buy groceries. next morning, they
woke, in a completely sealed and locked house, to find bacon, eggs, coffee, etc. all on the table. When my cousin was very small, too small to make
up tales, he went to my aunt in the kitchen and asked who the man in the living room was. Panicked, she ran to see, but again, no one was there, and
the house was secure. The cousin saw a "man", from the living room, in his bedroom, holding a book, and dressed in old-fashioned clothing. he
waved, the "man" waved back, and vanished. My sister had someone unseen move her hair, I had someone unseen "sit" on the bed next to me, and you
could feel someone unseen brush past you going through the laundry area to the bathroom. The had a warm spot in the hall, too, with NO explanation -
no wiring, no pipes, and no geological features (my uncle checked). A set of keys he had, one of the BIG rings with a lot from work, he dropped in
the living room - no pets - everyone heard them hit, and they were GONE when he stooped to pick them up. Visiting the house since he died, I got
NOTHING. Apparently, it went where he did.
I have some other pretty creepy stories as well. Might start a "share your ghost stories" thread for those.