posted on May, 26 2014 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to:
Maybe someone already has but I am not certain it was us that was advanced and not some other forgotten species (though technically they would be
different if they hypothesis of small survival from a larger group was to be born out as they would have had a smaller gene pool and so accumulated
inherited error's and trait's which there larger previous population would have absorbed (think easter island - the long ears and the hole in the knee
cap), most argument used on this site is a lack of waste or trash and I have puzzled but if it was us then there is no certainty that they followed
the same pattern of culture and not a more class based priest scientist order, perhaps even with priest king's so that technology may have only
followed specific avenue's of development and led to it's own demise through lack of shared knowledge and either war or natural catastrophe.
It is a puzzle we will not live long enough to solve on an individual basis and it is likely that data and evidence if any remains is enigmatic at
best and like I said they may not have been the same gene tree as us so any similarity of appearance may simply be down to like when Rhinocerous
evolved and went extinct many time's or indeed cat's and similer species almost identical to feline's whom were not related to them at all but evolved
and went extinct through the past 65 million years, indeed similar convergant evolution happened several time's among the saurian species prior to the
KT so it is not that unusual, but we think of our own species as primary and a one off, there is no proof it is a one off and several sentiant human
like specied in theory at least could have evolved and gone extinct since the KT boundary, before though is a mystery and we tend to think of the
dominance of small brained saurians as precluding that possability.
Go back 750 million years and the earth was leaving a period of massive ice ages which began about 2.2 billion years according to a very interesting
theory called the snow ball earth theory (this is of growing acceptance as more and more evidence begins to mount up), it has been hypothesied that
during this 1.5 billion year approx period that the earth underwent several ice ages which may have been severe enough to freeze the surface right to
the equators of the planet leaving only the chemo synthetic deep oceanic and crustal life or very hardy simple organsism to survive, but several times
there where - like our own ice age's of the past 5 million years - interglacial periods of unkown duration and intensity during which what happened is
We tend to think of the cambrian explosion of 650 million years ago as when life really got started and began to diversify but it is possible that
there may have been several cambrian explosion like event's prior to this with only a supposed lack of trace gas evidence and lack of oxydized
minerals to deny this but it is worth bearing in mind that at about every 650 million years the earth's upper crust is more or less recycled through
volcanic and erosion activity (make a mental note - the same time interval as since the cambrian explosion happened) so in reality the paucity of
minerological evidence can actually have other explanation than a lack of respiration or breathable atmosphere for what lived then on the planet.
It is simply that there is evidence but it remains open to interpretation, I urge you to interpret for yourself and bear in mind what I see other's
will not when looking at photograph's or indeed when interpreting data.
Had to add this though not pertinant to the thread, today's scientists are telling us to survive we have to leave the planet or go extinct as a
species (is there precident for this in data they have been given or simply conjecture based on standard observation of past species ELE and other
extinction event's), perhaps long ago if another terrestrial species with the capability evolved this was exactly what they chose to do but if so are
they really gone or could man one day if we progress far enough (or are allowed to) meet our cousin's somewhere out there - cue the battle star
galactica music (original series).
edit on 26-5-2014 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)