posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 10:24 AM
At approximately 9:45 am CST I saw what resembled what's being called the SR-72 flying along the Illinois/Wisconsin border. As I was driving to
work, heading south from WI into IL, I saw a very unusual contrail in the sky. It wasn't as high as the typical passenger jet but it was higher than
most single engine planes (and there are two small airports in my vicinity). The weather today is clear and sunny, with no real clouds in the sky.
What I saw was a double contrail coming from a single source. As clear and noticeable as the contrail was, I could barely see the actual craft ahead
of it. The craft was in the process of making a 180 degree turn when I saw it (this I could tell from the remnants of the "C" contrail in the sky),
and headed quickly in a WSW direction into IL after completing the maneuver. In total, I saw this for about three minutes before it was completely out
of my sight. I couldn't take a photo because, well, I'm a safe driver and don't have my cell phone within reach as I drive.
Take this story for what it's worth, but I rarely post here at ATS and the sighting was enough to compel me to share it for those interested in the
subject matter.