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Are Atheist just a cover for Satanists?

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posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 12:28 AM

originally posted by: Leonidas

An Atheist doesn't believe in anything supernatural. Good or bad, Christian or Buddhist or Muslim or Hindu or Pagan etc.

By the same token, a Satanist is not an Atheist.

slightly incorrect.
An Atheist doesn't believe in deities.
As far as supernatural, that is as varied as there are people.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 12:32 AM

originally posted by: Dianec
a reply to: Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

Not teaching kids about religion in school is not teaching atheism. It's simply not teaching them religion. It is teaching them subject matter that is objective and universally important. Religion is not objective, nor is it important in terms of general knowledge. If you want your kids taught religion, that's what your church, synagogue, mosque, or temple is for. School is to teach your kids how to function in the world.

Do you not think learning about the different religions is important? Are they not an integral part of history and social studies? I believe they should be taught in a generalized and objective manner in order to help build a well rounded knowledge about cultures around the world and major movements. To leave that out is taking an extremist approach and actually serves to not ready our children for the world.

None of that says to teach about religion from a value standpoint - rather a historical and sociocultural standpoint - which in fact provides a more well rounded education.

a 3 letter word. lol!! oh noes!!!

it seems to be ok in college but not sooner, to teach kids. don't these people want acceptance? tolerance? understanding?between people? sounds like they are trying to retard all that rather than promote it.

but then it's ok to teach that at home and the kids not mention (censored) it in school.
i can see that path going real well.
don't mention your dad beats you either.

shall we all eat mac & cheese and spam sandwiches on white bread? crust or no crust?
don't do or think different in school. get in line.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 12:34 AM
What i see in this post is this: Why don't they just let us force them
into our way of thinking? I mean if they aren't with us then they
must be with our enemy, should we consider more serious actions
against them? maybe just burn a few at the stake so the others
learn better than to question us?

This type of thinking is where we got almost all of our brutality from
religion, atheists simply do not want to be forced to participate in
your game of pretend and we also find it insulting that we are seen
as the crazy ones when you guys are the ones making insane claims
and not us.

We fight against it because many of us, me included, were lied to
as children and had our education destroyed by things like ACE schooling.
We see religion being used as a hammer to stamp out those who simply
do not agree and that bugs us. you see I want EVERYONE to have equal
rights. I don't want religion to dictate my life any more than i want
those of different sexual orientation to dictate my life. but i don't
want to dictate theirs either see, i want them to mind their own
business but the problem stems from there, religion tells you to go
and spread it like some disease.....

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 12:42 AM

originally posted by: alienreality
...Op: I think that atheists really dislike the idea of their being a God, because they want to feel like they are in total control of their destiny and don't want someone telling them there is a higher power they could be answering to someday. They want total independence from accountability to anyone except themselves.. That's what I have observed, but there are most likely other reasons.. It illustrates what total and complete selfishness is. and anyone can be selfish so this isn't an attack on atheists per se.
They on the other hand are very against anything Christian to the point of violence and vindictive attacks. Just remember to love them anyway, they need love like everyone. Especially these days


Hey - thanks for the 'stereotype'!!!!
Wow! Wonder what kinds of databases you would design...(?)
Though - to be honest - I used to believe the EXACT same thing... So... Guess I have no room to judge your lack of 'knowledge/understanding'.
edit on 4/23/2014 by WanDash because: quotes

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 12:42 AM

originally posted by: naftaland
a reply to: maxzen2004
After studying Idiot Militant Atheists for years, and suffering under them, I can positively confirm it is Vice Versa. Satanism is a cover for Atheism. It is an elaborate framework they have created, especially for Mind Control projects.

Dang, you caught us...and we spent soo much time trying to hide this project. Satan is gonna be quite cross that we have been found out!

They see their creation of Satanism as another way to make fools out of anyone who believes in a Higher Power,

...atheists created Satanism? interesting.
and we don't make fools out of anyone whom believes in something higher...we make fools out of fools...who happen to also believe in something higher....actually, we don't make fools..we simply expose em...

which is similar to the creators of the Roswell/Alien mythology, and how much they laugh at whomever believes in it as a False Religion.

so...the roswell hypothesis was also wait...who made that up, the Satanist atheists or the religious athe..erm..I am gonna need some sort of flowchart I think.

The reality is that there are actually very, very few Atheists.

Lets however correct that sentence a bit:
YOUR reality is that there are actually very, very few atheists.

Far fewer than claim to be. A core trait of humanity is a need for religion and a divine being to worship.

The core trait of humanity is curiousity. people who use the word god to explain anything they don't understand go against that core trait...they are inhuman..omg, if they are inhuman, then they are anti-human...theists are Satanists!!!
omg omg omg
-runs around in mock panic at all the Satanists-

These people have actually declared themselves to be God,

I declare myself to be a human by the name of -strike-...anything more I haven't discovered yet..but I could be also labelled an engineer...and I can create virtual worlds...which makes me..muahahaha..erm..still just an computer dude overall.

which really means they are not really true Atheists. They also can never actually reveal their religion because they would be justifiably ridiculed.

So..they don't reveal their thoughts on the matter. know them exactly?
You read peoples thoughts.
Pretty sure that means your in contact with familiar spirits....being seduced by the darkside are you?

They, themselves, believe they are the basis of worship and when a Theist mentions God, they get deeply offended like a jealous child, and feel compelled to take revenge.

HOW DARE you mention the name which shant be named!!!
...actually, I really don't feel that strongly about it on reflection. Actually, when someone discusses god in front of me, I ask them what kind of god they think of...what its attributes are, is it like a universal made every single planet and atom type, or more of like some sort of super advanced race and potential collective, etc...I find the conversation can be interesting if they have truly put thoughts into it...and can lead to some stellar discussions on the subject overall.

However, people simply vomiting up a few verses without any furthering of the subject clearly have no actual belief outside of a recording being played back on how to think...totally boring dull people who add nothing overall.

Their creation of Satanism is part of their strategy of revenge.

And we would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you blasted kids!

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 12:56 AM

originally posted by: Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
a reply to: tsingtao

I left home the day after I graduated from high school. I was 18. Went into the army, did 4 years, got out. Was the most awesome experience of my life. I went on to enjoy and experience a number of wonderful things, and discover much that was amazing. Once I was away from the religious tyranny of home, only then was I free to pursue what I wanted to do in life. Not only that, but I became well adjusted after I abandoned religion and distanced myself from the overly religious. I finally learned what true freedom was.

Like I said before, I do not care if people want to believe or practice their religious beliefs. I do care when religion wants to try and push its system on the whole of society, and deprive others of the right to live their lives and take advantage of the same opportunities as everyone else. If religious people would keep their doctrines within their own churches and private institutions, I'd not have as big a problem with them. However, they do not.

The only reason I was able to pursue my dreams and live my own life after I turned 18 was because we live in a system of law that is based on secular and rational concepts. If the religious types were allowed to legislate their beliefs over everyone else, I'd have never been able to flee the oppressive dogma of my youth, since it would have extended beyond my front door, and I'd have no escape.

Plus, during my time in the military, I got the chance to live in a country, Saudi Arabia, where their religious doctrines are the law, and people are forced to live under it, or be punished. It was not a pleasant experience. Upon coming home, I lived in towns where Christians actively harassed, persecuted, and attacked people who were Wiccans or Neo Pagans, and the local cops/city council/county governments not only allowed it, but encouraged it, even passed local ordinances that discriminated against anyone not Christian.

After seeing what religion coupled with politics can due, I feel it is extremely important to enforce the seperation of the two. Or else society becomes an ugly place.

thanks for the answer and your story!

SA is a rough place that you cannot equate with the US. i've lived all over the place, seen isolated instances of trash talk but not any coordination between citizens and local gov.

the family holiday was dubai, last year. i refused to go. i won't give them my money or stay in a hypocritical, repressive place.
i don't care what anyone thinks about that.
i see that culture right here in my own village. everyday. in hong kong. full burka's and all.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 12:56 AM
a reply to: SaturnFX
Not going to discuss your specific points/jests/etceteras...but...
Excellent post, thoughts and responses!

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 01:03 AM

originally posted by: liejunkie01
a reply to: maxzen2004

? How many children with Atheist parents find faith in God?

I am a non believer. My woman is a believer. My children go to church with her. When they get a little older I will explain my stance on religion, but for now I am fine with the way we all are.

We don't argue about it, we know where each of us stands.

Why does my stance on religion bother you so much? Why can you not live your life and let people live theirs?

Atheists get all the blame, "we push our views on others", this is the most double standard rhetoric that gets thrown around by the believers in faith.

Maybe, just maybe that some people would like to live their life, free to make their own choices, without being reminded that we are wrong, going to hell, need to pray, being blamed for the doings of others, and so on. It has taken many years of maturity for me to understand where and why people such as yourself come from.

And the answer that I have come up with is fear. Fear of the unknown. I choose to live my life not in fear of what may or may not happen when I die, i'll be dead.

So please live your life, and i'll live mine.

Thank you.

"And please stop blaming me for everything, it is not my fault the world doen't operate the way YOU THINK it should."

yeah, that's the whole problem, ain't it?

goes both ways, right?

you don't, i do. now what?

what do you give up? what do i give up?

do i force you to look? or do you force me to take it down?

the color of your house is offensive to me. change it.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 01:05 AM

originally posted by: WanDash
a reply to: SaturnFX
Not going to discuss your specific points/jests/etceteras...but...
Excellent post, thoughts and responses!

I simply find threads like this to be entertainment overall. very low hanging fruit to comment at. I in a way feel a bit embarrassed by lowering myself to comment, yet at the same time, it is soft entertainment. I do have a sort of nagging feeling though that I am sort of making fun of the village idiot at times, which is a bit classless to do, but at the same time, who knows...if they understand how silly and flat out stupid they are being, they might decide to educate themselves a bit and contribute to the intellectual aspects of society a bit in life.
Unlikely...almost unheard of..but there have been cases.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 01:07 AM

originally posted by: Evanzsayz
a reply to: maxzen2004

How could someone who doesn't believe in God believe in Satan? Christian theology is so pathetic it makes me sick people actually believe this nonsense. Grow up and join the real world of adults instead of being a god fearing immature child that believes in fairy tales.

By the way sitting around and waiting on some retard to come out of the sky and save you all from the evil of this world is beyond pathetic. *cheers*

lol, don't hold your breath, you will be long gone but will get the call when it happens.

all of us will. lol!!

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 01:09 AM

originally posted by: tsingtao

originally posted by: liejunkie01
a reply to: maxzen2004

? How many children with Atheist parents find faith in God?

I am a non believer. My woman is a believer. My children go to church with her. When they get a little older I will explain my stance on religion, but for now I am fine with the way we all are.

We don't argue about it, we know where each of us stands.

Why does my stance on religion bother you so much? Why can you not live your life and let people live theirs?

Atheists get all the blame, "we push our views on others", this is the most double standard rhetoric that gets thrown around by the believers in faith.

Maybe, just maybe that some people would like to live their life, free to make their own choices, without being reminded that we are wrong, going to hell, need to pray, being blamed for the doings of others, and so on. It has taken many years of maturity for me to understand where and why people such as yourself come from.

And the answer that I have come up with is fear. Fear of the unknown. I choose to live my life not in fear of what may or may not happen when I die, i'll be dead.

So please live your life, and i'll live mine.

Thank you.

"And please stop blaming me for everything, it is not my fault the world doen't operate the way YOU THINK it should."

yeah, that's the whole problem, ain't it?

goes both ways, right?

you don't, i do. now what?

what do you give up? what do i give up?

do i force you to look? or do you force me to take it down?

the color of your house is offensive to me. change it.

I am perfectly fine with God being on the money, pledge, in courthouses, and other things state sponsored and tax paid for.
I simply want a compromise.
Change the name from God to Allah.

ok, maybe not today, but as islam becomes more prominent, then we can change it..right? maybe put prayer mats in schools, etc...

in 100 years, they will be thanking you for being so accommodating towards whatever "non denominational" deity praise being pushed forward for sure verses commonsense safeguards against any religion influencing politics.

That weird defensiveness you are experiencing by reading this...yeah..thats what the actual problem is overall.
Still wanting to push religion as part of government? Christianity won't be top dog in the states forever.

Nope..this is the right one
edit on 23-4-2014 by SaturnFX because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 01:10 AM

...I simply find threads like this to be entertainment overall. very low hanging fruit to comment at. I in a way feel a bit embarrassed by lowering myself to comment, yet at the same time, it is soft entertainment. I do have a sort of nagging feeling though that I am sort of making fun of the village idiot at times, which is a bit classless to do, but at the same time, who knows...if they understand how silly and flat out stupid they are being, they might decide to educate themselves a bit and contribute to the intellectual aspects of society a bit in life.
Unlikely...almost unheard of..but there have been cases.

One of my best friends was the Village Idiot!
Well...thanks for the attempted 'stoop'.
You may now resume your lofty perch/stance!

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 01:13 AM

originally posted by: alienreality

originally posted by: freedomSlave

Do people like you even truly understand what freedom means?

Freedom means being able to do things and say things in front of others without being harassed or whatever, unless it is something that bothers a liberal, or an atheist, or a republican, or a Christian, or a Muslim, then that means serious trouble.

Op: I think that atheists really dislike the idea of their being a God, because they want to feel like they are in total control of their destiny and don't want someone telling them there is a higher power they could be answering to someday. They want total independence from accountability to anyone except themselves.. That's what I have observed, but there are most likely other reasons.. It illustrates what total and complete selfishness is. and anyone can be selfish so this isn't an attack on atheists per se.
They on the other hand are very against anything Christian to the point of violence and vindictive attacks. Just remember to love them anyway, they need love like everyone. Especially these days

Athiest mob attacks

so well said!!

never heard of that movie.

i will try to find it.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 01:14 AM

originally posted by: WanDash

...I simply find threads like this to be entertainment overall. very low hanging fruit to comment at. I in a way feel a bit embarrassed by lowering myself to comment, yet at the same time, it is soft entertainment. I do have a sort of nagging feeling though that I am sort of making fun of the village idiot at times, which is a bit classless to do, but at the same time, who knows...if they understand how silly and flat out stupid they are being, they might decide to educate themselves a bit and contribute to the intellectual aspects of society a bit in life.
Unlikely...almost unheard of..but there have been cases.

One of my best friends was the Village Idiot!
Well...thanks for the attempted 'stoop'.
You may now resume your lofty perch/stance!

Actually, its a pillar made of crystalized tears of theists and burned holy books...

(wasn't directing that at you, was just suggesting this thread in general is silly overall...yet curiously some sick and demented way)

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 01:17 AM

originally posted by: Leonidas

originally posted by: [post=17831778]

Op: I think that atheists really dislike the idea of their being a God, because they want to feel like they are in total control of their destiny and don't want someone telling them there is a higher power they could be answering to someday. They want total independence from accountability to anyone except themselves..

I hope you see the contradiction in referring to someone who does not Believe in an Omnipotent higher power as wanting independence from accountability.

Your spiritual beliefs are your own, that is a personal thing.

One mistake that some Theists seem unable to understand is that Atheists are not an organized club or movement. Some may band together in some communities with fervent Religious populations that look to suppress and ostracize members of their community that don't believe what they do.

Belief is a powerful thing. When it is turned against people that don't share those values, that power can be wielded dangerously.

Happy Easter.

lol!!! not organized?!!

you joke me, right?

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 01:20 AM

originally posted by: brazenalderpadrescorpio
a reply to: maxzen2004

You make a good point. Why are they so repulsed by the idea of God if they don't believe in God? You would think that the idea would be as harmless as say, a chair, if God were so nebulous to them.

And on the other hand I've known of Satanists who claim to be Atheists. I really don't understand how you can believe in Satan, if you don't believe in the spirit realm. Or perhaps my understanding on that is lacking. I just don't know.

A great deal of Satanist's would indeed by Atheist's at their core. So they would be considered Atheistic Satanist's. But do not confuse that with plain old Atheism. Satanism has it's own codes and ideals that Atheism does not uphold. So they are not one in the same. Those Satanist's, along with most others DO NOT in fact believe in a literal Satan within the different branches. And they DO NOT try to worship or pay tribute to him/it. They simply view him/it as a symbol. The most popular Satanism in this respect is Leveyan Satanism.

So, I know what some of you are thinking; "Well, if they don't believe in Satan, why are they called Satanist's?"

They call themselves that because they admire, I guess you could say, Satan's image. They think of his image to be one of independence, free will, wisdom, and self-preservation. Most Satanist's feel that they should be left in charge of them selves, and shouldn't have to be subservient under a higher power. Literally believing in Satan, or any other god would actually be in a direct conflict which their own beliefs. Since it's been established that they do not want to be anyone's slave/puppet, for lack of a better word. They enjoy their freedom of choice/action.

They orient themselves heavily on human nature, and not being ashamed of it. They actually encourage people to indulge and enjoy themselves. So, Satanist's tend to believe that they should be free to do as they wish. But, Satanism does frown on certain things. They do not promote anarchy or chaos. They do not like Thieves, ignorance, dishonesty, deceit, rape, disrespect, or unprovoked/unneeded violence (which includes animals) as well as many other things in between.

That is what a typical Atheistic Satanist would most likely tell you.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 01:23 AM
When I read threads like this I feel lucky that I live in a place that isn't religious like the usa
Op atheists don't believe in satan so your whole view is just wrong.
Also which god do you mean? Yours? And yours only eh?.
Your founding fathers wanted the Church separate from state...pity many go against that

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 01:24 AM
a reply to: SaturnFX
Hey - No problem (even if you had directed it at me) - my appreciation remains.
Would love to see your throne and throne room!

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 01:25 AM
a reply to: Honcho

Well, that actually makes sense. Thanks for enlightening us!!
edit on 23-4-2014 by brazenalderpadrescorpio because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 01:27 AM

originally posted by: neformore


I am not a label. I do not choose to live by labels. Instead I choose to be a free-willed individual who thinks and acts in his own perceived best interests, the interests of my family and of those people I love and cherish as friends.

Because I don't aspire to a particular label, it doesn't automatically make me another label.

Admittedly, there are those who choose to live (and die) to their particular label. That is their perogative.

However, to label someone as the supreme source of evil - because of perceived teachings of your particular book/belief system - is arrogant, derogatory and uncalled for (and, I might add, un-christian by your own teachings)

oh yeah, it's the flying spaghetti monster and the cloud fairies in the the sky, that make us do that bad stuff.

not to mention the OT God, who killed everyone in the world, just coz the was home.

lol!! who is portrayed as followers of evil again?

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