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Long standing Police Chief (2 decades) fired by incoming Homophobic Mayor

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posted on Apr, 22 2014 @ 05:44 PM
The Mayor aught to be impeached

posted on Apr, 22 2014 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: cuckooold
Seems to me that there are still too many gray areas in the story to derive an opinion.
The mayor was only recently elected... Was it a tight race?
They say the townfolk are 'behind' the defrocked Police Chief (who, by the way, is, likewise, a recent addition to the town's governmental hierarchy)... How many are behind the former Police Chief?
A town of 1400 - were 700 or more in attendance? Guess the numbers might give a little better insight.
And, as to the rest of the story - it's just "He said - She said" at this point.

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 05:10 PM

South Carolina Town Votes To Reinstate Fired Lesbian Police Chief While Seeking to Oust Homophobic Mayor

WASHINGTON -- The residents of Latta, South Carolina, on Tuesday came through for their police chief, Crystal Moore, who was fired two months ago for reasons that many residents say had to do with her being a lesbian. The town overwhelmingly voted to reinstate Moore to her job and to strip the mayor, Earl Bullard, of some of his powers. As first reported by The Morning News in South Carolina, Latta residents passed a referendum changing the governing structure of the town from “mayor-strong” to “council-strong," which gives the town council the ability to rehire Moore.

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