posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 09:01 AM
"When is it going to be time to fight?
When is it going to be time to shut up about it and just do it?
Would be kind of silly to post what you're going to do, letting everyone know. "
The time is now. Personally I don't care if the NSA is on here and reads this. I'm not inciting riots, I'm not saying let's begin an armed
revolution, all it takes is to start by standing up and demanding truth, fairness and change as well as continuing to wake people up. The Bundy ranch
(I know a whole different can of worms and thread) was just a small example of people saying "We are not going to take it anymore!" They poison our
food, they poison our air, they poison our water all in the name of big business and people are finally getting tired of it all.
A long time I have followed this site, though not until recently a few months ago that I signed up. I do however, read the threads everyday and see
everyone here make sense of and sort out the BS from fact. Every one of you on here has the golden opportunity to shine light through the darkness and
make a difference. It all begins here, talking about it as we are, learning what other options we can suggest with each other, and finding different
avenues to pursue. Demand change now. Go to their public meetings, start recalling elected jerks, demand impeachment if that's what it takes but GET
LOUD about it, that's what they fear most from us. And if it comes to armed conflict down the road, like Mel Gibson said in Braveheart, "You go
around and flank them from behind and I'll meet you in the middle." But most of all, continue the fight, don't give in and NEVER give up. There are
more of us out here than you know, that feel the same frustration as yourselves.
One more thing that might help... I'm an 80's rebel...
We're not going to take it anymore!